Friday, October 12, 2018



Well this month has been frustrating.  I was able to determine that one of the power supply cables was wonky, got some how to repair the cable directions and learned to use some new tools.  Eventually the cable did NOT work so I requested that my source in Anchorage please send three new cables. 

Also the phones went belly up this week.  The local phone company came over and scrutinized all the innards to see what the heck was going on.  In the meantime I have been given a five line phone that is just a simple answer.  I had help answering the phone and it was hectic.  I have spotted folks walking around with walkie talkies and we may have to resort to two tin cans and long piece of string.  Gahhhhh!!!

The rest of the month consisted of a recitation of movies rented from the local video store.  I adore Baghdad Cafe and I ordered Rosalie Goes Shopping starring the same German actress as in Cafe. Plot is a bit dim, Rosalie wants to please everyone and she buys lots of stuff to keep her family happy.  She buys her daughter a high end computer and accidentally learns how to hack stuff and winds up going international.  She confesses all to the local priest and then happily goes about her business of keeping everyone happy.  Oy!!

In summary, tons of computer headaches, telephone headaches and fairly pedestrian home doings. No murders, no air plane accidents, no shootings.  Phew.

That's it for September 1991.

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