Sunday, October 7, 2018



8-2-91  The sun set for the first time since May 11, 91.  Maybe a few people will now take a nap.

We had a two day storm, the wind whipped another window out of it's frame prompting a call to housing.  French George came to replace the window. Turns out French George is Yugoslavian.

The storm drove all the ice that had gone out back in near the shore.  Hopefully it will be gone by the time the barge gets here.
Today a native gentleman brought in some items for sale. I purchased a pair of wolves head mittens, very warm. Now I need a pair of idiot strings so I can put the gloves on them and take them off to open doors and stuff without dropping the mittens.  I will purchase a pair of strings at AC.

I learned a surprising fact.  The bank in Barrow has very few safety deposit boxes available.  The hospital has been on a waiting list for two years.  Regs say that the back up computer tapes must be stored off site in case of fire.  Good idea.  When something catches fire it BURNS very quickly.  

8-24-91 The barge is not here.  The one I saw is headed for Prudhoe Bay.  Did see a lovely cruise ship off the coast it is The North Star 200 passenger ship headed for the Northwest passage.  I thought that was urban legend.

I flew to Anchorage, found my hotel and attended the birth certificate workshop.  I was told that I could sign the BC's and not bother the doctors. I will run that by the medical staff although I am pretty sure they would like to have one less piece of paper to sign.
Went shopping and found a bottle of San Chapelle sparkling wine! That is so good.  I shall cheerfully smuggle it home.  Also bought some dark rum for Judy for Banana's Foster.  

I had enough time to drive to Wasilla and visit with Aunt Vivian and Uncle Darrell and met my cousin's wife.

I trekked through four record stores looking for an environmental CD to listen to while sleeping.  I played it and was disappointed, not much rain but lots of birds, bees, barking dogs.  BARKING DOGS!!?? I paid seven bucks for a CD of barking dogs!?

Strangely enough there are no further entries for this particular binder.  I dug around a little and found one that BEGINS WITH JULY 1991, will review and recap.  '

That's it for now.

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