Wednesday, October 31, 2018



8-1-93:  First sunset of the year.  Yawn, 45 minutes, phew, almost missed it.

8-3-93:  Temp dropped, has been raining, very nice to lie in bed and listen.  However, it snowed all day, didn't stick but it did snow.

8-5-93: Is has been a brutal week in Barrow.  There was a double murder this last weekend.  Two women were raped and murdered then the murderer padlocked the door shut to make it look like no one was home.  A relative went looking and found them Tuesday morning.  Both were young and left small children.  A special investigation team flew up from Anchorage. 

Missed seeing a polar bear sporting about on a small ice berg as I rode the bus to work this morning.  Our visiting Pediatrician from Georgia rushed out to see and take pictures.  He and his wife live near Vidalia.

More Bear stories.  Our lab manager, Dave Morrison and his wife, Kris, took a camping trip to Canada and were dropped off by float plane for several weeks worth of outdoors life.  They were almost packed up at the end of their trip in a boat including their unloaded rifle when they were charged by a bear.  They had inadvertently gotten between Mama Bear and Baby Bear.  Dave grabbed shells out of his pocket and quickly loaded the rifle and managed to get two shots off dead in her chest. Yeek.

I read a book by Bulwer Lytton, a Victorian writer famous for the phrase "It was a dark and stormy night".  This book was Eugene Oram a historical crime figure in England and apparently worthy of several hundred thousand words.   His crime that he committed which was murder of a rich but degenerate relative could be described in Texas as "He needed killin'."  And to be fair the authors were paid by the word so that just encouraged run on sentences like you would not believe. Lytton was paid a penny a word including all three prefaces and dedication.  I picked up a couple of books in Missouri.

I also picked up A Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics printed 1908. It is a collection of poems and the Treasurer is actually cited in "Little Women" when Meg is worried about John going to the Civil War and Marmee gives her copy and tells her to read page so and so about duty.  I adore the following.

When as in silks, my Julia, goes
Then, then (methinks) how sweetly flows
that liquifaction of her clothes.

Next, when I cast mine eyes and see
that brave vibration each way free:
O how that glittering taketh me.

Some was HOT for Julia.

8-7-93:   Saturday, nice sleeping.  Got up to watch my public TV program called "The collectors" who were in Atlanta and "Victory Garden" who were in a three acre garden at a winery near Santa Rose, California.  Beautiful.

It's all how you sez it.  I was typing away on a tape by Dr. Larry Smith and he was saying the final diagnosis, "dehydration by ass uh tonic less than 5%".  I had to flag him down for clarification. He snorted and told me in very carefully Southern accented English that he had said what sounded like EYE so tonic less than 5% dehydration.  I got the giggles because I was listening in my American and he was talking in HIS American.  And I typed "Isotonic".  It is good to communicate, I say COMMUNICATE.

Oh Goody, got a notice from NSB Housing that they will be changing out the toilets in the 12 plexes for the very efficient Swedish toilets that have a small charge of air and reduced water flow to flush and even better news, no more sewage smell.  Yay!!!

Housing is also dismantling the Utilador through which all of the gas, electric and water lines have been routed.  All of these services will be adequately insulated and buried.  So the kids will not be able to ride their bikes along the top of the foot wide fence.

Friday the thirteenth of August.  Not all bad luck, we got paid!

Dr. Lacerte is going to change my BP medication.  Yay.

Trip to Point Hope for the Health Fair.  Judy said I hadda go.  Ugh.  First thing there was a bunch of us going and we all had to tell the pilot how much we weighed so he could calculate fuel and stuff.  He looked at me inquisitively and I snarled, "Make a good guess!". And he nodded and jotted something down.  Good boy.

We flew for what seemed like forever towards Russia.  We did stop at the edge of the water as Point Hope is right on a tiny spit of land and the runway is parallel between the ocean and the town.  We got a ride to the Bingo Hall in the local cop car and we set up for the day.  The honey buckets were running over and I waited until the last possible moment to avail myself of them and I did not drink a thing.  Ugh. Point Hope is very picturesque, you can see gentle hills on shore.  Quite pretty.  There was a huge crowd.  My main job was to give eye tests to who ever wanted one.  

8-17-93:  Got up to 53 degrees today, ack! warm but windy, kept the skeeters off. Apartment very hot, ran the fan all night long to keep from cooking in our beds.

8-18-93:  Tim went to pick up mail and Mom mailed him a bunch of old  8-track tapes.  He will look them over and add them to his collection.

Judy is gone to Fairbanks and then onto Seattle to review some software that NSB is considering.  She may have to go shopping, look out Nordy's.

Tim ordered a bunch of cat food and toilet paper from Span Alaska.  It came and he noticed that the toilet paper was not as advertised.  He wrote a letter and get a refund.

Work was a scramble last minute scheduling of 30 school physicals, much gnashing of teeth and squishing of appointments.  Argh!!!

A little bit of Barrow history.  I was chatting with Lois Anderson at lunch and she made a comment that my ring reminded her of one that her uncle made for her when she was a little girl.  It was made from metal from the wreckage of the plane crash that killed Will Rogers and Wiley Post. 

Funny at work:  For the first time since I started here we had more non natives admitted to the hospital than natives.  Newbies have a tough time learning how to pronounce Aveoganna, Sikvayugak, Sakeagak, Kudrulook, Towksjhea etc.  Anyway one of the nurses was droning at report that there was a Mr. James Hill in room 108 anyway she thought that was how it was pronounced. (har dee har, har, har).

Mailing Labels:  Breakthrough !! I dimly remembered how to set it up and tried on the Mac at work and that is now set up.  At least it prints.

I am working on a recipe book and am missing Mom's Pickled Green Tomato recipe and I need her recipe for freezer jam.

Okey dokey, lets put August 1993 to bed.

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