Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Readings now showing on my Kindle

Because I can scale the font to a comfortable reading level that is not available in print.  I love my books but  I now possess over 3000 that I can no longer read.  I will eventually donate them to various libraries and friends.

Onto my reading list.  I have the Koran, "The President Is Missing" by Bill Clinton and James Patterson and "Mohamed" by Deepak Chopra.

Let's start with Mohamed. Mr. Chopra has written the history from various viewpoints, The Prophet, a woman who nursed him for his first two years, etc.  It is quite fascinating.  The most surprising thing I have learned is that the babies were routinely sourced out to nomads if their mothers died.  The nomad women were paid to nurse the babies.  Girl babies were commonly out in the desert to die but not if their nursing was paid for. I guess I was expecting a straight up history but there are riveting bits.  For instance the Angel Gabriel commanded Mohamed to recite.  He was terrified, he could not read, he could not recite, he could not write.  The angel grasped him and squeezed him and commanded, "Recite!" Well, that is extremely compelling.  Now I let the book rest for a bit.

I downloaded the Koran a few months ago purely out of curiosity. If I were a serious scholar I would learn Arabic to read the original beautiful cursive.  However my brain barely goes right to left never mind the reverse.  The Koran, itself, is a very long prayer.  There is a special name for the people who memorize the entire book.  Wow. And I have forgotten the term for that.  Any way I should probably have read other texts that give the "bible stories/history" as the Koran is all praise and prayer and most holy. I haven't gotten to Mary's Chapter yet and so I read the book in pieces. 

The third book is "The President is Missing".  I ordered it only because James Patterson co-authored the thing.  Well, I am up to chapter 17 and it is cranking along, I can literally see the movie playing in my head.  A couple of personal things: I detest first person narrative.  It mostly rules out the omniscient presence in which most third person books are written.  The plot is thus; there is a threat of computer virus attack, there is a lady assassin, there is a mysterious hacker, President Duncan goes bare (no Secret Service) to meet the kid.  The president is widowed, his wife died of an aggressive cancer six months previously, his daughter is going to college in Paris. And the world building includes many near current and current headlines and happenings.  The presidents internal dialog about the political business sheds some light for those of us can nod off just clicking past C-Span.  So I shall most likely finish this one first.  

I also have a short story recommendation: "The Dragon Marshall's Treasure" by Zoe Chant.  In this world humans and shifters co-exist.  Our heroin is the daughter of a Bernie Madoff character who has disappeared with multiple millions of dollars.  Her step-mother is a nicely sane trophy wife who got left behind.  The shifter is a Dragon who arrives to seize the property.  There is lots of very clever chit chat.  You must read the conversion they have about Chicken and Pig shifters.  Highly original plot, romance does not start until much later.  Enjoy!!