Saturday, November 3, 2018



11-2 The ice finally came back to shore and the next day the wind promptly blew it way off shore, can't see it.  It has been unseasonably warm. I saw a Caterpillar mired up to it's tracks in the lagoon.  Ice is not frozen to the bottom yet.  Cautions are up, do not cross the lagoon but some snowmobiler will take the chance.

11-5 my mouse died.  Carla is going shopping to replace the thing.  Nope changing batteries did not work.
Dreams:  I have been documenting dreams but skipping re-writing them down here.  But last night was a beaut.  I dream I was in a car traveling in Arizona with Dad and the rest of the family.  We drove over a condemned bridge that was rusty and falling apart and it became apparent that there was a gap of about 12 feet on the other side.  Dad revved up the engine and jumped the gap to safety.  I saw safer bridges up or down the river and wondered why we didn't take those bridges.  In retrospect I see that plainly the dream was all about decision making and making good choices over risky choices and my general attitude of going with the flow.  Hey look at me interpreting dreams!

When Carla called to tell me she had shipped the mouse I told her about the dream.  She asked me to describe the bridge to an alien.  So I described it as a device to get from one place to another.  She prompted me to think what the bridge represented and I thought broken tech and decided it was all about anxiety over the mouse.  Derrrrr.

11-10 Marine Corps Birthday.  Ron Nalikak is a marine who believes in celebrating the day.  All righty then.  At break time all the former marines ( they are ALWAYS Marines!) present began reminiscing about past parties in Barrow.  One involved our radiology tech who got into an argument and bit the finger of the other guy.  The other guy took the only Three Stooges defense he had and poked at rad tech's eyes.  Much Three Stooges imitation.  It was further suggested that the tech's counter move should have been vertical hand in front of face to block eye poking.  More Three Stooges. nyuck, nyuck, nyuck.

11-11 Labor Day off.  Lazy day working on Northline, typing and printing.  Got it done and mailed off, got the mailing label thing figured out, yay! 

11-20 Got back from Anchorage from one week training on RPMS computer systems stuff.  They are always trotting  out new modules.  The system originally started out as a lone module to be used by the pharmacists for dispensing and documenting meds etc. The program has gradually expanded to the present program.  I learned how to query the system to get a count on number of alcohol related visits per village.  That is pretty specific stuff and once you write the little program it is saved and you can use it over and over.  

The stay at the Anchorage Hilton was more busy in that the first night there was a power outage, the next night the heat went out and the third night my next door neighbor had the naughty channel cranked up on high.  Oh swell, let me feel like a perv in the privacy of my own room.  Then the cable TV went wacky.  The weather was fine except it snowed for two days and the city does not get out the snow plows until it stops snowing.  I watched guys in trucks with snow plows on front out driving trying to clear off some of the snow. 

I had a strange dream about the perfect way to shave ones legs.  It was amazing, I had a small cigarette lighter thing with a glowing tip then I set fire to the hair which then burned evenly in a straight line completely around the circumference of the leg. It did not hurt and did not smell.  When the ash was brushed off the skin was shiny and pink.  Left leg worked ok.  Right leg, couldn't get the hair to catch fire.  Um at simplest this may represent a frustration dream.  Erk.

Employment News:  Tim was hired in the Mayor's Jobs Program.  He will be working in Purchasing located in the Court House.  The job is temporary only 90 days.

ICE;  There is ice but it is thin and slushy and the wave action makes it look like something solid is rolling, rather queasy making if you watch it too long.  Weird to get seasick on land.

ESKIMO CHANNEL:  I watching an old film and it showed them making a sled out of almost nothing.  They have caribou antlers and various hides and that is about it. They used the antler for the body of the sled and got it covered with some skins.
For the runner, they went fishing and caught several dozen fish by going through the ice lake and catching them that way.  They flop on the ice and freeze solid very quickly  They stood on the fish to get them to freeze uncurled.  Then they lined them up end to end, wrapped them in caribou skin, dipped water on the fish and froze them solid to make runners for the sled.  They dug up some lichen and pounded it into small pieces, spit on it and patted the mixture on the bottoms of the runners.  They hooked up the dogs, packed the sled and took off.  This is very crafty because they are carrying food in the form of frozen fish right with them.  Very clever.

Sister Gale got married last weekend to Rocky Colton. Rocky is the nephew to Jody Brooks Newell who is married to my brother, Phillip.  Congratulations everybody!

I worked Thanksgiving this year to cover the phones at the hospital, very quiet.

Very short dream:  I dreamt of a sail boat shaped like an angel fish, very pretty.  No idea what that could possibly represent.

Book review "Lost Boys"  by Orson Scott Card.  He has written fantasy in the past but this book was the first time he wrote a modern Mormon piece. I found the family dynamics very interesting and there was a scary crime involved as well.  Good job Mr. Card.

The Ice is quite frozen and is here to stay. 

That's it for November 1993.

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