Sunday, November 25, 2018



7-4: Mary Price, RN OP manager, won the Fourth of July footrace.  She is from Idaho. The Search and Rescue helicopter ferried all of the racers to the starting point at the monument about 13 miles south of town.  So half a marathon. The monument is a concrete pillar erected in memory of Will Rogers and Wiley Post who both died in a plane crash in 1935.  Mary came in first and won 500 bucks. They would have to have forced me ONTO the helicopter at gunpoint.

Dream: Last night I ran away from home and joined the circus.  We rehearsed for a clown act. One of the clowns shot out of a cannon straight out and directly into another cannon. When the clown hit the bottom there was an explosion and black dust flew everywhere.  I remember shouting, "Get the vacuum cleaner, we have to get him back together!"  I saw a pregnant midget lady she was shaped like a beachball.  WHERE does this stuff come from??

7-8 Mom called to tell me that Uncle Paul Horn had died of a stroke.  He had been receiving periodic transfusions for "confused red blood cells" which is apparently exactly what the hematologist gave as a diagnosis.  Pretty sure there are bigger medical terms to describe the condition. Paul and Ollie did not have children.  He was age 77.  I sent a card and flowers and a check to Mom to help out a little bit with expenses.  I then called Charlie to let him know.

Dream: Amusement park dream. Way complicated. 
Could the cavalry be coming to the rescue?  Spent Thursday diagnosis problems on our X.25 pad, the telecommunications thingie.  It was pronounced dead and the vendor will ship a new one.  Yay rah.

While in the midst of this diagnosing. I told the lady from Albuquerque that my TCU boxes were going bad.  She said she would look around and she called Friday to say she was shipping two of them to me.

Area has decided that our old system needs replacing and is spending 15k for a new computer and is sending a tech person to install.  Bid is going out and we may actually get a new one by next fiscal year on October 1.  Maybe.

ASNA:  Native Village of Barrow has signed off on the 638 agreement.  I maybe an ASNA employee by the end of the year.

Dream: Flying dream.

7-18: Temp 60 degrees, rained a lot.  We had honest to goodness THUNDER and lightening.  Thunder is quite rare up here this far north there is just not enough of a temperature gradient.  We got a mini stormlet of about 8 thunder claps.  Weather man reported previous thunder "storms" in 1989 and 1982.  People pulled over on the road to just watch the brief display.  Mary Jo told us that her husband wouldn't let her go outside to watch.

Price shocker: Noticed ad for oil change only 60 bucks, filter included.

7-19:  Weather has changed.  It is presently 31 degrees.  Puddles frozen.  Watch yer step!

Late report.  July 2.  Binky the polar bear who resided in the Anchorage zoo is dead.  He made international news last year when an Australian woman climbed the fence for a better look.  Binky snagged her by the leg and got her tennis shoe. The picture of him with the red tennis shoe in his made the paper and T-shirts!!  The T-shirts had "send more tourists" printed on them.  

Two hikers were killed by a bear on a trail which was subsequently closed.  The bears were not deemed a public hazard.  Um how does that work?

On the Newhalen river fisherman and bears are not mixing well.  A German tourist had his tent eaten with him inside.  Yikes!!  He got his arm gouged and scared about two years out of himself. Store your goods safely.  Clean fish away from your campsite.  

Star power:  James Whitmore came to town this week.  He visited the monument and talked with the elders.  He is famous for his interpretation of Will Rogers for the last 26 years. Whitmore and company ate at Arctic Pizza. One of them kept ordering wine and beer.  Sorry we are a dry community.  

Spring cleaning in the computer room: Swapped out the old X.25 pad and installed the new one.  Boxed of two small boxes of computer stuff and mailed it to area. There was a failure with pharmacy and I had to figure out which port had gone bad.  Also got some stuff from area to install another PC at the nurses station and fiddled around with that.  The computer room is now almost empty, I threw out five boxes of trash.

Hair cut!!

7-25:  Shopping dream.  I admired an elephant piggy bank. 

7-27: The powers that be decided that we should learn all about Total Quality Management.  A thing invented by a man named Deming.  He took his idea to post war Japan and turned some industries around from sheer efficiency. Ford did the same during the 60's. Quality is Job One.  Deming.  So now we will be busy applying the pertinent bits to health care. (sigh)

Boss is back!  Monica got back from Hawaii all nicely brown and freckled.  She stays here one week and then off to Albuquerque for RPMS stuff.  Her daughter is going to Girl Scout camp.  NSB underwrites Girl Scouts and sends them all to Fairbanks or Anchorage for a week, all expenses paid, air fare the whole shootin' match. Only in Alaska.

Strange but true: One of the stranger visitors we have had here recently made the Anchorage news paper.  The paper was doing a piece on the opening of the Dalton high or the Haul road as it is known.  Part of the piece dealt with Ricky Emerson.  He was the only red headed cerebral palsy, Amway salesman hitchhiking on the highway this summer.  Whenever he wanted a ride he would lie down in the middle of the road and shake.  He would get hauled here and there.  He told the same story in Barrow when he was shipped out of Deadwood.  He was going to sell Amway and on closer inspection it became apparent that had never experienced any of the cleansing properties of his product. He was admitted to the hospital and then discharged.  He is gone from Barrow carrying his little cardboard Alaska airline suitcase.  Some hitchhiker.

7-31:  The CEO requested that I attend the advanced CQI meeting.  This in addition to the pending death certificate, two dictations and end of the month report (sigh).  I learned all about nominal group consensus building so powerful that even Serbs, Croats and Bosnians benefited from the technique.  Ooo how international.

That's all the learnin' I could stand for July.  G'night folks.

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