Tuesday, November 6, 2018


2-7:  Fairly normal day, processed seven discharged charts.  One lady gave birth at home.  She went into labor with her 10th pregnancy.  She gave birth, could not rouse her husband, had no phone.  She got on the CB, called for an ambulance who fetched her and the baby into the hospital.  Yeah, just another day.

Weird full color dream.  Husband and I were reviewing our life together.  Anyway I told him to not get started on the collection of Jimmy Stewart memorabilia. And then felt hugely sad at the thought of our parting.  Sigh...I suppose this was a dream of sadness that I should get some clutter out of my life.  I dream in glorious technicolor and sound, but I do not speak.  Probably better that I don't all around
Hepatitis A outbreak has almost ready to be declared an epidemic.  For gods sakes people, wash after wiping.  Wash, wash, wash!!!  The Hep A people get gammagloblin shots.

I am going to resign from the Northline.  The president is a little too hands on and a bit of a micromanager.  So...…

Dr. Maria Freeman declared the Hep A outbreak an epidemic.  20 cases.  Some are asymptomatic but test positive.  Tylenol is forbidden as it stresses the liver. There will be an "investigatory" Hep A vaccine available sometime in March, getting permission from local health board.

KITTY NEWS:  Bradford was sent to cat hospital.  The vet operated this morning and removed a hairball.  He weighed 12 pounds.  The Vet had never seen a 12 pound kitty. Anyway he has to go on a diet.  Bradford came home on the 10th. He was groggy and has a nice lovely belly incision.  Tim is a wreck worrying about him not eating. I think he has enough fat reserves so that won't be a problem.  The bill came to $35.00, which is astounding to think as Carla had to pay $261 for Keisa's leg cast.  However, the Borough funds all spaying and neutering, shots, vaccinations ets.  So the Vet charges for supplies.  God bless 'em!!

Funny story at work:  Lois Anderson told a funny story a couple days ago.  she said that one summer day she met her sister to go to the Lion's Hall to play Bingo.  It was very hot. She sat in the back with her sister.  Lois decided that she would take off her light weight jacket because it was so hot. She unzipped and then took off the jacket and continued to play.  The announcer would call the ball numbers and smile at her.  This went on for a while.  Her sister glanced over at her and one point and screeched, "Lois!  You forgot to wear a shirt under your jacket!". There she sat delightfully cool in her bra.  She quickly put on her jacket and zipped outside embarrassed that everybody might have been her half nekkid. Everyone at the break table laughed.  She said she was saving that tale for the radio when she gets older and tells stories to the elders.

BUSY DREAM: Traveling, the airplane seats were arranged against the wall military style. All of the passengers were ladies dressed up for a beauty pageant.  Each lady wore a pill box hat. I think mine was pink.  It did not go with my floor length, white gown.  Eh.

Winter Olympics:  Nifty opening ceremonies.  Tired of Tonya Harding and Nancy Harding.  Hooray for Dan Jansen and Bonnie Blair! We get double coverage up here, once on network and once on RATNET.

Valentines day was nice.  Tim called suspiciously telling me to stay a little bit late he was coming to take me to dinner.  He showed up and took me to the newish meeting room.  The ladies had decorated the still standing Christmas tree with Valentines motif and they had a surprise potluck!!!!  Ooh, good food, especially the odobo and pansit Yum!    I was so surprised and was not expecting anything like at all. 

Computer stuff:  Finally got the ALTOS system straightened out. The ADT program is working (admission, discharge, transfer).  It also has a built in census and I needed to talk to the programmer who works in Oklahoma.  She advised re-running each day and check that the numbers were correct for each day.  Yup that did it. I like stuff that adds up.

2-21 President Day off.  The borough is paying for it, so I shall get the day off.  I hate scheduling and figuring out who works when and when they get an alternate day off. Ugh!!!  I will be spoiled rotten in the lower 48 going back to a skimpy 6 or 7 holidays.

Tim has been wrangling with Arctic Post Trading Post over VCR tapes for 1.99 each.  They eventually got in enough and Tim bought them all.

2-24 Dream.  Visited a work site in a desert.  Part of it looked like an archeology dig.  The other part was a large institution.  Might have been a hospital.  I saw someone in a hospital gown attached to a roller stand for an IV bag.  He was muttering about getting a room as soon at that woman Veteran was kicked out.  What!?

2-25:  Charlie read the last Bush Diary and called.  He will be working this summer for a manufacturing firm putting together pocket door frames.  I asked him if he would have free time to come visit on a Dividend Fund check and he said he did not think he would have time.  Bugged him about a picture.

Marie Caruso came up from area to install the Bethel used machine.  Yay!! Once this is installed we will be able to do a PC to PC backup.  Wheee!.

One of the lady doctors "boyfriend" terrorized her this weekend and kept her in her house.  He wound up cooling his heels in the local House of Blue for assault and kidnapping charges.  The good doctor was moved from the house into Quarters, there are two sets of locking doors to try and get through now.

Good Deeds:  we were at coffee break today Art Evangelista was telling about his most recent futile trip to California to try to obtain custody of his children from his ex-wife. He got in trouble with the judge who told him that Barrow was not a good place to raise children.  Art challenged the judge asking if he even knew anything about Barrow and the judge told him to shut or be charged with contempt of court.  The conversation then turned to good points.  I told him that I have been in line and watched a kid come in the store with a hundred dollar bill to pick up a few items for home and get back the correct change without anyone blinking an eye.  Ron Nalikak added that he once found a bag with 5k in it at the hospital and gave it back.  Well a Marine would do that.  He needed to do some detective work to figure out who it belonged to. He visted the lab and asked Leah Romero how she was doing?  "Not so good." "How come?" "My Dad lost some money".  He asked her to describe the bag and money and he told her not to worry about it, he found in and would return it.  Leah's Dad gave Ron 500 bucks for finders fee.  Take that Judge California!!  Also,a few days later Ron found a bag with 600 dollars worth of Girl Scout money in it.  He tracked down the girls involved and got the Girl Scouts taken care of, God Bless America!

All right, that's enough good deeds for February. G'night folks.

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