Monday, November 12, 2018


8-6 Traveling dream.  I went with Mom to a hotel which was decorated beautifully for Christmas.  The hotel looked like the Drake in Chicago.  Beautiful. My bags went one way and I went another.  I was following Mom downstairs, she wore a long yellow dress and a fur stole.  She and two men went down stairs and I never did catch up with them. I found my way into a suite and people were getting ready to go to bed.  A couple speaking French were in my room. I went back outside and went to a group of people gathered on the lawn waiting for the band to begin playing.   I found the front desk and asked the clerk to take me to room 100. She said she would be glad to walk me across the campus.  Then Bradford meowed for breakfast and I woke up.  I love travel.

Sad News: Sherri called to tell me that her sister, Vickie, had died suddenly in her sleep.  Vickie was born a blue baby and the transfusion was not in time and she grew up a little compromised. Fine motor control was missing and she was very slightly mentally challenged.  She adored reading the TV Guide and she worked for a few years at Fairchild Semiconductor and then later on in shelter workshops.  She got around quite nicely on the busses.  She married and had two children. They will live with Helen, their grandmother.  I called and talked with her a bit.  Very sad. 

Electrical problem may be solved.  The fella from Northern Electric came last evening and stripped the buss bars and put insulation gel on them.  He will inform BUECI.  Then he checked the phases?  Anyway that is what it sounded like he said.  We now have lights in the living room and kitchen.  Then there was a two hour power outage.  Not due to us, I hope.

Tim has resigned from the eye clinic, too stressful, he hates the sleeping arrangements but does not mind the travel.  One of the nurses told him that the last time she was in one of the villages she had to sleep in the library.  Oh well, he is my Darling Man and I am his Heartspark.

8-11 took yesterday off and today worked on six charts, two birth certificates and had to fiddle around with two printers that the RPMS system did not recognize.  They were printing in what looked like Hebrew?  What?  I finally took a look at the printer head thingy and it had a couple language switches on it, found one labeled English and scrounged around for the worlds smallest screwdriver and flipped the switch.  Fixed it!!

8-15-94 I am an auntie.  Mom called to say the Jim and Anita had a boy by c-section named Jordan Jeffery.  Sent them a card and a check to go have some fun
8-15-94 Busy day, Shirley Greene, RRA area consultant and Irene Edmonds RRA Regional consultant from Albuquerque came to inspect the dept.  They were impressed with the Policy and Procedure manual.  I took them for a look at the computer department and was telling them that when Bill Bodine was here to replace something he showed me the circuit board and noticed something funny.  "Bill, this has old Fairchild Semiconductor IC chips in it!"  Irene laughed and said that she used to work at Fairchild in Albuquerque cutting up IC chips.  She was encouraged to get her ART, so she went to school with a two month on board and then completed her RRA.  Small world.

Right otitis media.  Ear hurt, saw nurse, got ointment and abx.  Hearing has gradually returned.

Weather:  Foggy, no ice.  The barge sailed in last week with several NorthStar homes perched on top.  So some of those lots around town with a forest worth of pilings will be getting new houses set on top of them.

Matriculation. I have signed up for Saturday classes through ASIC to take an advanced literature class.  No fees except for books.  Lasts until December with 3 credits. I can use this as part of my continuing education requirements as well, sweet.  Class room is only a couple blocks away.  I shall look left and right for polar bears.

Work: Busy week. Jessie is on vacation for four weeks.  Going home to Thailand for a visit Geri got bumped in Anchorage and had to wait stand by for two days.

First day of school.  All big yellow school buses were out parading through town. Jinky told me that PSO came to her house and asked if everything was ok.  She said yes.  Why.  They got several 9-1-1 calls.  Kids?  What were you doing with the phone?  We learned how to call 9-1-1 today!  Wonder how many calls PSO made that day?

Real estate dream:  I dreamed about touring a house in Emmett that needed a bit of fixing up.  There was a barn and some miniature stoves inside. The land was about 60 acres and the septic tank was not quite covered. I asked to review the utility bills and taxes for the property and then I woke up.  Good grief!  I don't want a farm!
Former boss lady called.  She said the walls and trusses are going up.  She and Dean caught their limit of halibut when some Idaho folk came to visit. I adore halibut!!!!

Odd family.  A new nurse was hired and given a two bedroom apartment. Her husband and children came with.  They were very demanding gimme this, buy me that. Husband did not work only wanted to start his own ministry in the Church of Whatever.  She demanded that they get jobs.  The girls got baby sitting jobs.  She finally did a reality check with a son and they established that she was not a horrible mom.  So she went to the CEO and asked for a one bedroom apartment. The gang promptly complained to the CEO who told them that the contract provided only for the hired RN.  So they promptly packed up and left Barrow. Buh bye! 

8-22 Sheesh.  Birth certificate, death certificate and a fetal death certificate.  State regs only require a fetal death certificate at about 22 weeks.  The Mother of the fetal death wanted a certificate to take to the Catholic church in PI.  Okay.  There was no identifiable sex so I chose male because the Mom gave a boy's name.  Got that filed with the court and she collected the tissue which was in a Styrofoam cup. 

First days class.  We read three different native stories.  One was called A kayak full of Ghosts, a second one was Two Women Who Found Freedom.  Two women were tired of being beaten by their husband.  They ran away and found a dead whale to live inside of.  The husband asked the shaman where the women went.  He told him about the dead whale. The husband found the dead whale and wanted the women to come out but the stink was so bad that he could not stand to go after them.  The women stayed there happily ever after.  Very enjoyable.  Next week Gibsen's A Doll's House.   I don't like plays.

Slow week.  Tim took me to Arctic Pizza for my birthday. Yum!
Kerfluffle with bank.  They put a freeze on Tim's card.  He stomped in and they checked it out and yes they had made a mistake.  Blood pressure gradually came down over an extended period. Extended, I say.

Mom and Dad got a computer from Richard. It came loaded with some games. Dad likes Solitaire. Mom has tried the program to type letters. She thinks her hand writing is awful, Nope.  Now Grandma Horn and Grandma Lattimer's were truly scribbly hard to read.

Gossip at work. While attending a baby show, gossip turned recent weekend regarding one Kevin S. our rad tech.  He got loaded, was doing something with his hand gun and shot himself in the hand with a 9 mm.  The story is somewhat garbled.  He came in to see Dr. Perez when he couldn't get the bleeding to stop. He x-rayed his own hand. The bullet fractured one of the metacarpals.  Dr. Perez stitched him up. Bullet wounds have to be reported. Much buzza buzza about whether or not Kevin was drinking at the time. I filed the chart in the safe to keep busy bodies from snooping.  NYB as I learned at Fairchild many years ago.  Nun Yo Bidness.  CEO made a deal, no more drinking while in Barrow or else no job. 

Recruiting: the borough has four applications for Judy's job.  Also have been trying to fill Mary Jo's position while she goes to Anchorage to have her baby. I got a lot of failures to show and unanswered phone calls.  One came in to train for a couple hours and left saying she could not stand it.  Oh how well I have felt about the phones myself.  The third candidate got Mary Jo's approval so we are set.  Yay!!

Ibsen play, finally decided on a theme paper, will address women's rights when the play was written.  Drek, drek, drek.  Got an A minus.  Who woulda thunk. Also wrote a paper on Bertold Brecht's Mother Courage and later on a paper on a story about some Indian person finding Siddartha. 

 Joint Commission came and went.  The department did well. I only had to pull some records and point out where stuff was documented in the chart. 

We will be doing phone interviews for five candidates for Judy's job.

Weather: Got our first heavy snow storm 8-6. Big heavy flakes.  Regular cabs snowed in and were not answering morning phones. I got a ride to work with a downstairs neighbor.

Cross Training Patrick Pendleton on in patient coding, data entry, chart analysis.  Have high hopes for the boy come vacation time.

Using last Dividend Fund check for Tim to go visit relatives.

Housing has installed locks on the artic entry doors. Grrr, key fumblng in the dark and cold.  Yay!!!  I have put keys on a sturdy landyard dangling from a pocket on my backpack and that works well.  No one wants to drop keys in the snow.

Local vote:  Barrow has voted to go dry (I think) that means no liquor possession allowed period.  People will get cranky.

Coming home late cab driver pointed out the Northern lights. They were out but no spectacular colors, that only happens near Fairbanks.  We probably don't have the right amount of whatever gets excited by the sun's thingabobbers.  Ain't science wonderful?

Dear Lord, someone called to complain that she was congratulated on her pregnancy when she had only told that person who is employed in medical records.  Had a little chat about confidentiality etc.  Later I asked Carolyn if Judy had gotten this many complaints, she said, "Oh yes, isn't it fun being the queen?"  Um not in particular.

Permanent Fund check is here.  This year it is for $983.00.

Tim called he is hotel hopping does not want to stay with his Dad. 

Recruitment. I seem to be in the position of hiring my own boss.  All of the committee are off somewhere else. Lucky me.

Tim made several purchases.  He bought a car, a 1984 Ford LTD four door for $625.00. It will stay at his Dad's place so we will have something to drive when we hop, skip and dump into the local airport.  He also bought a toaster oven and a cordless phone.

Sunday: Wash, dry, fold, print Bush diary.  Get Sunday paper.

Recruitment is rolling along tediously.  

Tim sent me a surprise gift. It was a giant balloon.  I borrowed a borough vehicle to get it home. Had to leave the balloon outside on a string.  I looked like a local parade float and I have seen much less decorated parades in Barrow.

I took the opportunity to clean out a lot of cardboard boxes and rearranged my gift bags. 

That is quite enough about August 1994. G'night folks.

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