Saturday, May 22, 2010


After adding several more shelves of books to my data base, I paused for lunch.

I watched Robert (Famous English Chef, I Cannot Remember His Last Name) on
Dinner Impossible. His task was to build a kitchen from items purchased at a hardware store and provide lunch for the cast and crew of Lost, 125 people.

He went shopping and grabbed car jacks, wheel barrows, metal paint cans, sheet metal, cinder blocks, a chain saw, C-clamps, fishing nets, a plastic wading pool and a whole bunch of stuff.

He was lead to a spot where he had food available on the island just like on Lost and was to use those ingredients for the meal. He had watermelon and Avocado and made a salad out of that.

I don't remember what he used for dressing but I made my own dressing out of lemon juice, salt, pepper, pinch of cayenne pepper and cashews with a packet Splenda, and paired it with Virgin Bloody Mary.


Anonymous said...

IRVINE, Robert Irvine of Dinner Impossible. Phew!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually I would like to skip the healthy things and go for the Vodka.

mishishm - Japanese kind of "philosophy" by Mishima.