Saturday, December 11, 2010

Unexpected shopping today...

Yesterday I started making cajeta de leche.  This is nothing more than caramelized sweetened condensed milk.  I use the slow cooker method.  I have seven small cans that I need to process for gifties at work so I got out my lovely slow cooker that holds five cans nicely.  I peeled off the labels, wrapped each can in cling wrap, (because the cling wrap prevents rust marks on the bottom of the crock pot) put them in the slow cooker and covered  with water.  I cooked them on low for eight hours.  About 10:30 last night, that batch finished and I put the final two cans to cook all night on low.  When I got up this morning, the crock pot was barely warm.  Uh oh...the crock pot died on me.  Dang!  So I took out the inner pot, heated the oven to 250 degrees F and let them finish cooking for four hours.  I decided that I needed to go to Freddy's and get another crock pot.  So I did.  I had also been looking for colored cling wrap and I found some there as well as some holiday themed zipper closure plastic bags to put the recently finished fruit cake in for gifties.  My fruit cake is very different this year; I used dried cranberries, cried cherries, dried peaches, dried papaya, glace pineapple, golden raisins, 4 cups chopped walnuts, 2 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 8 eights, 4 tsp vanilla, mix, bake at 250 for 2 hours.  I also spotted some nifty little plastic containers that looked like they would hold the cans of cajeta de leche.  And they did!
Now I have to type up a recipe for both dishes, insert in gift containers and on the 20th we will have holiday potluck and gift exchange at work.  I am making stuffed mushrooms.  Yummy!

Oh and the best part?   Getting the thick gooey caramel into the individual containers. 


Retro Blog said...

CORRECTION; That is eight EGGS. not 8 eights. Jeez, sometimes my recipes come out different.

Richard's Rants and Raves said...

You know, I was reading your blog, and didn't catch the eights until you did the correction. Shows how the mind sees things it is used to reading, and not always what is right in front of us.