Wednesday, January 30, 2008

technology will get us someday soon

This is a picture of an automatic paper towel dispenser...wave your hands in front of the little red light and the machine spits out a foot of paper...

Today I stopped in the public bathroom at work and as I shut the door and locked it firmly, the towel dispenser fed out a foot of paper without my having to wave hands in front of little red light. As I was in a bit of a hurry I simply washed my hands, used the paper and left. However I did muse to myself that if a kid figured out the thing,there were be much door slamming, paper dispensing and giggles. Never gonna save on paper that away.

Oh yeah,the soap dispenser works the same way, wave hands at a mystical distance for the cleansing foam to drop into your filthy palms.

Got any fun technology at your workplace?

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