Thursday, January 3, 2008

Great I'm ten years past due for a colonoscopy

Visited my local friendly surgeon for something completely unrelated to the above and after reading my history, his eyes lit up and he preached the gospel to me..."You are 60! You have family history of cancers. What are you doing on 1-8-08?"

"Um, getting a colonoscopy?"

"That's right!"

So on Monday I get to drink three ounces of something that will make me wish I hadn't, and drink a GALLON of Gatorade. Gah.... I'll let you know how it all turned out...erp.


Gale said...

I feel your pain. Go-Lightly I think it is called. To really freak out your tech/nurse right before going in for the procedure tell them you didn't finish your cocktail. It makes them really nervouse. My next one is scheduled in 5 years, at least they put you out.

Richard's Rants and Raves said...

The first one I had done was by a DR.Berglund at the V.A. and no it was not self induced.But I was awake and saw the hole think. literally.Detail's upon request!!!


yoo hoo said...

Sounds like minutes of fun!

Anonymous said...

I am actually looking forward to the drugs and very little else other than the feeling of "been there, done that".