Saturday, January 5, 2008

stormin' on the coast

We have been having the usual winter rain but this past couple of days have been very VERY rainy with last night's soupcon of lots of thunder. This thunder was the up close and personal sounding kind only way up high. I am a bit surprised it woke me up as I am a rather sound sleeper. So sound that I once slept through a truly horrific wind storm. I got up the next morning, bounced out the door on my way to work and gawked. My front porch aluminum awning was gone! The first thing that flashed however stupidly through my mind was "Who would steal an aluminum porch awning?" I slowly walked around to my car looking up. I saw aluminum legs sticking out over the edge of the roof. The wind had neatly peeled back the roof. Later one of neighbors asked me if I had heard the horrible noise. I wisely nodded and said, "Yeah wasn't that AWFUL?".

And speaking of awful. I did not believe that I snored for many years until one day I was happily napping in my apartment until I was rudely wakened by someones very loud snoring.....through process of elimination turned out to be me.

One more snoring story. Occasionally a bunch of us would take the Jackpot bus for a weekend of gambling. One time I and three other ladies departed on the bus for the four or so hour ride to Jackpot, got our rooms and began rambling through the casino's until forced to quit due to exhaustion of self and funds. We all retired about the same time at dark thirty in the morning. The next day we got up and assembled in the hallway making comments and plans. One of the other bus party members greeted us with "Jeez were you able to sleep through all that snoring last night? It was horrible I didn't get a bit of sleep". We all nodded wisely and exclaimed "Yeah wasn't that AWFUL?"

I believe I have found the snoring cure. In my case at least it is age. I get up more often at night and haven't wakened myself up by snoring in a very long time.


yoo hoo said...

Mitch says that I don't make a peep when I sleep. In fact he is tempted to place a mirror close to my mouth to check I make fog.
I am not so lucky, he snores QUITE loudly...

Gale said...

I blame my snoring on the dogs. In fact, I don't is the dogs. Or the cat who strangely enough sleep by my back, stupid cat.