Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I am sure that a porch robber would be frustrated and understandably mystified by some of the things that are purchased for this household.

Husband discovered Amazon, Drug Store.Com, Walmart and a few other select entities and as a result of that we have not shopped at Freddy's in about three years.  

My purchases go through Amazon only.  And as with all items, some of them are mysterious.  My most recent purchase is a mouth shaped toothbrush. It vibrates and massages the gum and teeth. And there is an ultraviolet light to kill off the germs, the direction clearly state in English translated Chinese; 1) To engage device speak into base unit.  2) Give command "Drakaris".  3) Good for fire peppers. 4) Rinse in cool water.  5)Dry with cloth.


I had also been idly looking for a more comfortable bra.  I wanted something like a big old bandage.  So I saw something that was described as compression for use after surgery, for support etc.  So I purchased it.   It is a cloth lined elastic thing that is a about three foot long and a foot wide and closes with very sturdy Velcro closure.  It was a struggle because my right arm is not very strong, but I managed to get the bottom to meet and then worked by reclosing and retucking my way up to the top.  Well, it certainly contains all of the contents and is very strong.  Unfortunately the closure makes for bulk in the front.  And I can only stand to wear it for about eight hours.  So, I will go back on the market to see what is available.  I have sports bras but they give me an uncomfortable  uniboob and becomes problematic after a while.  I do have the most comfortable option, go without a bra, however the girls have just a bit too much freedom.  I mean the assault charges alone....

I purchased an antifungal for a black spot on my toenail.  Jeez, even that was a problem figuring out how to make  the thing work.  Comes in two tubes, brush end is covered with a removable end and the other end of the barrel twists and send the medication to the brush.....eventually.  Then you put on three layers one a time and do this three times a day until the meds run out.  Yep, its a time investment.  Ugh.  Yeah and bending over to reach the toes which have gotten farther and farther way from my fingers.

I rarely order physical books now, most of my books are digital and occasionally I indulge in the audible.  That part is tricky, if I don't like the sample of the narrator, I don't order it.  The last physical book I ordered was the Annotated Little Women.  Unfortunately the print is so small I was reduced to using a magnifying glass.  I look like a demented Watson doing research for Sherlock Holmes.  So I will eventually order the digital version and will refer to the book for illustrations.  sigh....

Husband on the other hand mostly orders items for the house, the cat and some personal items.  

If a burglar stole those boxes looking for goodies to sell, there would be vast disapointment involved unless you were in the market for tarps, paper towels, cat liter, cat food, socks, undies etc.  No easily pawned goodies.

Oh, and the ONLY reason I know about the mouth toothbrush thingie is because of Facebook marketing.  I saw a video about it on one of my Facebook feeds and was intrigued enough to check it out.  So far I am impressed.  And probably brainwashed.  

1 comment:

yoo hoo said...

Get a pedicure, they deal with all sorts of food issues and NO you don't need nail polish.
