Saturday, February 23, 2019



Back to work: First week got the end of the month statistics almost done and about 60 charts coded and tagged for signatures and sent off to the doctor's boxes for completion.  

3-5:  Nice surprise. Mitch and Carla stopped in for part of their honeymoon.  We had dinner at the Mexican place.  I had pollo enchilada con mole.  The best mole I have ever had.  We then went home and played Scrabble.  They continued on down the coast to Ashland to try to catch some Shakespeare.

Book report:  Rosamund Pilchard "Coming Home"  It is worth reading the book simply for the gardening joke.  At one point a conversation revolved around some plants.  The narrator asked what those were and the gardener shrugged, "When I don't know what something is, I just say Inapoticum Forgetanamia".  I had to read it several times before I got the giggles.

Got an email from Charlie the house deal on Dean Street fell through.  Oh well.  They are still going to list the condo.

Chatted with Charlie, they are thinking about house hunting in Payette, Idaho.

Got a hair cut.  The girl cutting my hair kept snipping and snipping until the salon owner wondered by and asked her if she was going to use Butch Wax to style my do.  Oh well, I can always wear a hat or lots of lipstick and earrings to look less butch.

Noise abatement project at work.  A carpet was laid in the hallway to cut down on some of audible conversations that people in ICU can clearly hear in the nurses station.  "The patient is circling the drain"  that kind of chat  Eerk.

Jeez got an email from Monica K former boss woman from Barrow. She developed double vision symptoms and has been diagnosed with cavernoma.  That is where an actual hole is opening up in the brain, as I understand it.  The only solution is surgery of some sort or perhaps an exotic laser treatment called a Gamma Knife.  A better description of a cavernoma is that it is a sort of aneurysm and can hemorrhage and that is a bad thing.  University of Virginia has the gamma knife.  Update: Walter Reed will not do anything unless she has further symptoms.  Well that sucks.

A sweet young thing got a telephone call from her grandmother and asked her what had happened. Grandmother told her that her grandfather had died suddenly.

She rushed home to grieve with her grandmother and asked her what happened.

"Well" sniffed her grandmother, "He died while we were having sex on Sunday morning."

"Sex!" exclaimed the young woman, "Isn't that awfully risky at age 94?"

"Oh no!" sighed her grandmother "That's the day we always have sex on Sunday in time to the church bells.  In with the dings. Out with the dongs".  And she sobbed, "If that damn ice cream truck hadn't gone by he would still be alive!".

Well that finishes up March.

G'night folks.

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