Friday, February 15, 2019



I had switched to working all weekends to accommodate Tim's schedule.  Hmmm well I will stay with it as working the weekends at the hospital is almost relaxing compared to the hubble bubble of the weekdays.

There has been the disappearance of a 15 year old girl. She was last seen walking on Central Avenue about 9 pm one evening.  After several days the FBI was called in who stopped cars and questioned people.  The girls boy friend is the son of the radiology technician.  It has been well over two weeks, if it were a simple run away I think she might have showed up.  We are the county seat and the town seems to be crawling with cops.  The town itself only has two or three units.

I have been watching Junkyard Wars on TLC.  Set in a junk yard England, two teams must build something that can be driven on the space of two days using what is available in the junk yard. Most fun!

I read Hannibal by Thomas Harris. Sequel to Silence of the Lambs. 

Surprising news today:  Edna Cotner took me aside to sign cost of living paperwork for the department and she told me that she was going to give me a raise from 14 bucks an hour to 19 bucks an hour.  I was surprise and barely got my mouth closed enough to stammer out a thank you. 

Got an invite to an open house for my college instructor Elaine Rockne's 80th birthday.  What a wonderful lady.  She came to Barrow a couple of time to teach coding classes.  I went with her to bingo one time and won a hundred bucks on a scratch off ticket.  I still do not enjoy bingo.

Joke of the month:
A couple in their 90's had been dating for some time. One evening the little old man turned to the lady and said "Tonight is the night we have sex."

So they did.

Later on the little old man was lying in bed feeling bad and though to himself, "My God, if I had known she was a virgin, I would have been more gentle with her."

The little old lady was lying in bed feeling kind of bad herself and though, "My God, if I had known the old goat could get it up, I would have taken off my panty hose."


Crap my mammograms from Barrow caught up with me.  Radiologist want to do a biopsy.  So got that done.  It was a weird biopsy.  The radiologist had to place a needle and then the surgeon had to go near the needle to do the biopsy.  It came back negative. Yay.

The missing girl, Leah Freeman's body has been found.  The FBI returned. Every kid who ever knew her has lawyered up.  This will get ugly.  

Time to close July.

G'night folks.

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