Friday, February 22, 2019



2-8:  The kids got back to Sonoma okey dokey, Anthony left all of his computer games here. Wonder if I will be able to master them?

Tough week at work:  Blew up a keyboard.  The shelf it sat on collapsed and I had to jury rig something with a board and a pipe.  Joyce's computer committed suicide.  The computer kid came and determined that the PC was repairable. He replaced something thank you very much.  He took the cover off to vent heat from the machine.  This will make Joyce very happy, she runs several degrees cooler than the rest of us over heated humans.

There was a murder in February. A woman and her mother were discovered shot to death.  The husband and gun were missing. Cops arrested him in Reno.  The husband went a little nut and also shot the dog and the cat too.

Taxes just completed the, owe Unca Sam and State of Oregon some bucks because I had defaulted on a 401k loan.  It was not awfully painful but perhaps we will get on the other side of the refund business next year.

2-14:  How appropriate Valentines Day injury.  A couple came into ER who each had injuries in their buttocks.  The injuries turned out to be B-B sized pellets that had been shot into their backsides whilst they exercised out doors connubial bliss in the bed of the pickup truck.  Perhaps the temptation to take a pot shot at rising moons was too much.  It was a bright moonlight night so perhaps night vision goggles were not required.

Husband ordered a pink cyclamen.  It came with several blossoms and potted in a silvery aluminum bucket with handle.  Very pretty.  I hope I do not kill it very soon.

2-19: President's Day is not a holiday at CVH. 

The wedding was a smash.  I ran around with the wedding party picking up bits and bobs here and there for decorations.  Sadly Mitch's grandmother died that day of cancer.  The ceremony was a blast. Jordan Berglund was ring bearer, Rachel Ecland was the flower girl. Uncle Paul walked Carla down the aisle. The minister mentioned that the wedding was celebrated on Dad's birthday and he would have been 84. 

We were in charge of loading presents in the van and delivering them to the house, got that done.  The married couple spent the night at The Four Seasons downtown.  We all met the next day for breakfast and chit chat  So much fun. We took off and headed home.

2-28:  Watched TV coverage of the 6.8 earthquake, the "rattle in Seattle".  Have to blame it on the dancing which got rather spirited when they played The Hokey Pokey.

Okay that was a lot of Feb in February. Well except for the weird murders and the pot shots.

G'night folks.

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