Wednesday, December 19, 2018


I was determined to find a prayer for flying just in case I ever hit air turbulence or get a hang nail or something untoward.  Took a lot of Google effort.  Finally went Catholic and the following is beautiful.  I cut short the salutation and the following is quite wonderful.

Our Lady of the Sky

Our Lady of the Sky, protect we pray thee, the wings made 
by men to which we entrust ourselves when crossing the spaces above plains, mountains and seas. 

Protect our flight, and may we have a greater realization of God’s love and glory reflected in the beauties of the heavens and the earth. 

Be thou our help every moment of our aerial journey, preserve us from all perils, and restore us safe and sound to our dear ones. 

Obtain also for minds and hearts, O Lady of the Sky, the grace to rise towards the things of heaven, and soar above the errors and meanness of this world, far from the darkness and mire of evil, so that we may at the end of our earthly life enter into the everlasting abode of rest and happiness, and enjoy with the glory of God, with the Angels and Saints, amen.

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