Monday, December 10, 2018



7-2:  Today was Founder's Day for the North Slope Borough.  Patrick thought it was an ASNA holiday and did not come in.  He decided to come in for some personal reason and saw everyone here beavering away and though "Uh oh".  And decided to stay for the remains of the day.  Thanks Patrick.

The hospital has a new name the hospital's official name has been the United States Public Health Service and ASNA renamed it the Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital.  I like the acromyn much better. SSMH.   I have to amend the electronic birth certificate package and also in a few other documents.

Tourist funny:  One of the nurses was relating the following at break.  One of the tourist ladies who came in for a minor injury discovered that the RN was also from Connecticut!  She badgered him to tell him how he wound all the way up here in Barrow.  Finally, he gulped, looked around nervously related that he had discovered that he had a mob hit out on him. He flew as far away as he could and still use his credentials for a job.  The lady bought it hook, line and sinker.  Which is not to say that a few people don't wind up here with a mob contract out on the street with their name on it.

Inupiaq Word of the Day:  The Inupiaq word for cat is "pusiq".  Pretty sure that is a phonetic adaptation of what they heard the sailors on the whaling ships calling, "Here pussy, pussy!".  Did not know the whalers even had cats on the ships.  Hope they ate all the rats.  As far as I know Barrow does not have rats.

ASNA Holiday, sort of.  The CEO of ASNA called the hospital about 3 pm and let us know that we had the rest of the afternoon off.  No idea why but I sent home as many folks as possible. Barbara went about getting some utilities hooked up.

Carla gave notice to her job in Ohio and is headed back to Seattle.  Her job begins as soon as the new store opens.

House dream: I was looking at a very messy living room and someone exclaimed, "This living room looks worse than a ruined meal!"  I really like that phrase and I am not certain that I have every hearing in my awake life.

This was the week that three people had to go south immediately; one to PI, one to LA and Patrick to Anchorage to take the coding certification exam.  Oh dear. Geri and I got a huge pile of paper processing done and I asked Barbara if I could take the afternoon off.  Okay.  Then she announced she had a headache and needed to go to her apartment and lie down.  I cancelled my afternoon off. sigh...

7-13:  It rained a lot today, created puddles with lots of nice splashy PERMANENT mud.  When it splashes just assume that you will never wear white pants again, ever.

7-16:  Still raining.

7-17:  Nice day, a little rain.  The area computer whiz arrived in town to install the internal hard drive.  Would you believe he discovered a connecting plug had been installed upside down?  He departed after a delicious pizza.  Next day still can't do back up, got a tape error. 

House dream:  Nice house with wrap around porch and columns.

Phil faxed me a draft of the condo bylaws.  Oh dear, more dreary reading.

7-19:  Watched opening ceremonies of the Olympics.  Atlanta made us proud with the snazzy chrome pick up trucks.  Muhammed Ali lit the torch.

O joy, I get to be acting manager.  Barbara will be attending the IHS meeting in Albuquerque.  Enjoy! Too hot for me.

Canadian Ice Cutter: Is parked just off shore.  One of the nurses met some of the crew while walking her dog on the beach and invited them to her apartment for snacks and to watch the Olympics. 

Also heard a rumor that a bunch of Fortune 500 execs have rented a luxury liner to take them to the North Pole for dinner.  Then they are supposed to stop in Barrow for tourista stuff.  Really? Kinda sounds like urban legend to me.

Barrow crud.  Fourth day of upper respiratory etc.    I was dragging around and one the Public Health Nurses gave me a handful of what looked like crumpled lawn clippings.  She told me it was Colt's Foot, she picked it on the tundra. I am to boil it for a couple minutes in a couple cups of water and drink it down.  It made me sweat like a little piggy and I actually felt better.  Huh.  It is good to be able to breath.

Silly joke: 
What goes "Clippety clop. Bang!"
               "Clippety clop. Bang!"
               "Clippety clop. Bang!"

An Amish drive by shooting.

7-29:  Watching more Olympics:  The pipe bomb was awful.  Hope the FBI is mistaken about Officer Jewell.

Oh dear, Concerns about boss lady at work:  Alaska really is a small state people wise.  Judy my ex-boss took the Nordies bus from Kenai to Anchorage and stayed in Edie Bailey's B&B. Barbara also stayed there for orientation at ANMC.  Edie and Judy chatted and Edie related that Barbara fell asleep about eight times, insulted the vendor, took down all of Edie's No Smoking signs and refused to take her shoes off in doors. Taking off shoes is an Alaska thing in some places. Keep the snow, mud and/or dirt outside.
All employees need to have a Hep B shot.  I made out a new chart for Barbara. she is keeping it in her apartment because that is what she did the whole five years that she worked in Germany.  Yeah I understand the military part of that.  But really?

Carolyn M.  has voiced some doubts as well.  I shared what little I know and it doesn't look good.  I am still waiting to be dazzled by my new manager and so far nuthin.  So far she has been on site for six weeks, has taken two trips out of Barrow.  She comes in to work no later than 8:30 am, takes very generous coffee breaks, takes 90 minute lunch and leaves at 4:30.  I am stumped.  I feel like I helped shoot myself in the foot regarding the hiring of her. 

7-29:  Barbara called in sick.  She fell ill on the trip back from New Mexico.  So noted.

Beloved leader is back.  She came in at 6 am, left at 3:30 pm said she had new working hours.  Don't know how long that will last.  Update:  Lasted one day.

Day 17 of the Olympics:  I thought there was going to be Ball room dancing this year.  I must have missed it.

July has been  very interesting.  G'night folks.

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