Monday, December 31, 2018



9-2:  Rather quiet with the exception of the clinical director, Dr. M, who should know better, made a mess.  He came in to get caught up and strewed medical records all over the floor.  One of our coders had come in on Sunday  to do some work and she reported that it took her over an hour to get the mess straightened up and off the floor.  What a pig.  Will be glad when the man departs the station in October.  Today is also the day were started using the superbill.  The docs check off diagnoses for the billing department.

Worked very hard today.  I had to be telephone girl at 10 am and at noon for the front desk, so I ordered Teriyaki lunch and munched and slurped whilst answering phones, urp, 'scuse me. Also had to stick around to do a last minute dictation handed to me at 5:15 and I got home late enough the husband was thinking about sending out search and rescue.

Superbill: Hold that thought.  All of the doctors objected to the Superbill because they didn't know anything about it.  So let's hold a mini workshop. I shouldn't hafta think of everything.

I reviewed the photo CD and the Kodak photo disk.  They are really nifty.  I was able to print out a fairly decent picture on plain printer paper. I printed out pictures of Jordan age 9 months Mom and Dad holding him.  Cute boy!

Dream:  The medical record department got moved and it took a bit of exploring to find it.  I also dreamed a joke, I think.  I saw Bob Hope doing a routine with a large red umbrella and every once in a while he would sidle up to someone, shake their hand, peer closely at that person's fingers and muse, "Cuticles!".  No idea.....

Off to day one of the JCAHO survey.  The fog is very thick, if the plane does not land, survey will be delayed.  
Sure enough plane did not land, landed next morning at 10 am, the team appeared here rumpled and determined to be about the business.  Monica disappeared and I pulled appropriate charts for the team to review.  Ugh.  So glad I am not on the front line.

Day two of survey:  I noticed an odd thing.  All of the kick plates have been taken off of the hallway doors. It is apparently a Life Safety issue. Nurse survey said, "Take 'em off."  Jeez.

Did not see Monica for a report about the exit interview. Saw Ron Nalikak and he reported the hospital got a score of 85 with nine type one recommendations. Not bad. 

ODD STORY BUT TRUE:  Patrick asked me to sit with him and have lunch today so he could tell me a really good story.  I asked him if was true and he said that it was. At lunch he asked me if I remembered Will Adams.  

Boy did I, he was the guy who walked into the clinic expecting to be seen on his break and was quite upset that it was not going to work that way.  Mr. Adams moved to Barrow a few months ago and got a job in the local court house in the adult probation office.  As most new residents do, they wind up at the hospital for hep B series, tetanus update, TB screening the whole thing.  

Mr. Adams made a large negative impression on the nurses he was very ignorant, whining and the southern accent came and went.

One of Patrick's roommates is one of the local district attorney's, Brian.  A few weeks ago Brian was in Anchorage and while in the airport, Mr. Adams spotted him and came over to exchange greetings as they see each other in the probation office. After Will walked away from Brian another man came up to him  and identified himself as FBI.  

He asked Brian what he knew about Will.  So Brian told him everything he knew. It turns out Will Adams is not his name.  And he had served a sentence for murder (Canary Killer Murder, he strangled a canary in addition to the main thing).  Will was also under investigation for another matter as well. Shortly thereafter Will Adams left Barrow.  

It was discovered that he had been downloading kiddy porn on the computer at work.  So happy he is elsewhere. Erk.

Whaling news:  Four whales have been struck and landed.  Two of them were 45 and 50 foot long. Unaluk (oonaluk) is fresh boiled muktuk and is a big favorite amongst the locals.

Kitty Travel:  Tim has flight booked to take Bradford for his second round of I 131 later on in October.

True Bus Story:  This morning we were all gabbing and the new lady, Gwen stated that some bus drivers were not very helpful.  Patrick over heard the remark and he started laughing and said he had a true bus story:

This involved Frankln's D's wife Anna.  Franklin works in hospital maintenance and Anna works at AC.  One morning she was on the bus waiting to be let off by the driver and there was a drunk standing behind her  Anna started down the steps, the drunk decided she was not going fast enough and gave her a push.  Anna fell face down and the drunk fell right on top of her and then vomited all over her.  (At this point were laughing and gagging at the same time). The bus driver was good enough to get out of the bus and made an attempt to brush stomach contents from the back of Anna's coat.  It would have been truly disgusting if she had landed on her back.....

9-17:  Red Skelton died.  His show and Disney on Sunday evenings were a decades long viewing staple in the Berglund household.  TV viewing has changed so much.  We never turned on TV until after dinner and we all at the the table, there was no snacking, eating at a chair or anywhere else.

Driving dream.  

9-25: Permanent fund was announced in the amount of $1296.54, I find that simply amazing.  EVER citizen gets one of those. 

Let 'em eat cake.  We have had cake every day this week  because someone has been leaving Barrow.  Urp.

Another whale was landed yesterday. That makes eight whales caught in the Fall season so far.  One of the villages donated a strike and the meat will be shared out.

Let's put September to bed now.  G'night folks.

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