Sunday, September 23, 2018


Oh Bitchuary:

My sister, Carla, recently posted that obituaries should be more colorful.  There should be a description of how the deceased did not go gently into the night but hosted a party and invited everyone she knew prior to departure to upper country. I agreed and thought we should have an Obit contest.

All righty, then.  Royce lived way longer than she deserved.  She took risks that would have rolled the Pope's eyeballs back into his head. She was a scholar of sorts.  She preferred fiction in most forms.  She even developed a liking for Shakespeare once she realized there were sight gags. 

One of her favorite activities were scouring the local theater scene and watching everything from Moliere to Dealing with Death dramas. 

On the other hand she did not particularly enjoy going to movies.  The absolutely last movie she attended was as a responsible parent (and the ONLY one there) with her grade school son to an afternoon matinee.  They sat in the loge and there must have been at least 60 children up there, she would only see a bit of the right upper hand screen.  The noise and pandemonium were unbelievable.  She was very relieved that the balcony did not collapse in the well over 50 year old movie theater.

Museums and art galleries ranked right up there, a favorite display was a show involving suitcases and stacks of bibles and Korans.  She went back twice and when she realized that the items were not real, she dragged her girl friend to the show a couple of times as well and gasped in horror when the friend actually touched the stuff in disbelief. What a couple of Rubes!

Books were a constant in her life and I believe she would have fired cannon at any book raiders.  One of her favorite religious books was a Fireside edition of a Catholic Bible.  One of the favorite Old Testament stories was the Rape of Diana. (The name may not be quite right)  Which eventually made it to television entitled, "The Red Tent". 

Royce may not have physically traveled far but she has been as far as Dune and House Arakis as well as other improbable destinations.  She often thought that Heaven would be perfect if the multiverse allowed fictional characters in her world to exist in other climes and translate to the next P-brane with her.  She has questions.

Driving was always fun.  She only had a few close calls and a couple fender benders that involved skidding on black ice and running a leaking radiator dry to Rome, Oregon and being routinely rescued by family.  She did not experience road rage but did flip off a few other drivers.  Tsk.

She thought she was a gourmet cook when in actuality she liked to eat good tasting food and watch the Cooking channels.  Any other cooking was based on a veering approach to recipes and a good solid C grade for not burning the basics, most of the time.  She never knowingly gave food poisoning to anyone.  The dish of chicken hearts and rice was not universally well received.

As far as philosophy is concerned she learned at her Father's knee and that was "Live a good life".  Be honest, give a good day's work, be prompt. Most of that became compulsory.

She always knew she was a better number two, rather than a leader.  Her professional career involved either working in a small department or having some terrific bosses except for a couple of psychopaths who should have been suffocated in the cradle.

She never owned a brand new car. Ever. Her first car was a 1957 Volkswagen. The last car she owned lasted at least 20 years and almost everything got replaced and was at long last donated to NPR, they auctioned it it off as an antique and got a couple thousand. 

She wished to be cremated, the urn may travel if anyone wants to take her for a spin.  And as far as services are concerned, a simple gathering and story telling session would be preferred as well as some tunes.  Nessun Dorma, Aretha Franklin,  Fix Me Jesus, keep it eclectic.  

As far as religious leanings are concerned, she always had a fine disregard for any religion that preached exclusion of any kind as in, if you do not adhere to the tenets, ye shall not collect 200 dollars, she shall not pass Go.  She did get a few missionaries over the years.  Once the local Baptist Minister came by, knocked on the door and demanded how she felt about going straight to Hell?.  That interaction ended swiftly.  Occasionally Mormon missionaries would come about, she enjoyed interacting with the lady Missionaries.  She told them her favorite Mormon joke.  "What do you get when you play the Mormon Tabernacle Choir record backwards ?"  "Jello recipes."

If none of the siblings publish their obits she may cause the ones she wrote to magically appear on her blog.  Just be warned. 

She is survived by her husband, son and daughter-in-law and one grandson, some siblings and some cousins, it's a huge family.  She has posted a link to go check out her blog.

PS: This is the one she wants published in The Messenger Index.  Fer reals.

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