Wednesday, September 19, 2018



The first canned product was invented in 1810 by an Englishman and like many inventions it was invented in an effort to feed the English military who were battling ad nauseum with Napolean.  It is possible that empty cans of British beef can be found on American battlefields however, I am unaware if such have every been documented.  

The can opener itself did not follow for several decades. It was invented in America in  1858.  Prior to that the only can opener was a good sharp hunting knife.  

We now live with a plethora of can openers both electric and manual.  My opinion lines up with Alton Brown who only has one single tasking unit in his kitchen and that is a fire extinguisher.  That would rule out the electric can openers almost immediately because you have to have storage and if they come with batteries that may run down or come with electric cords that require detangling.

My choice is the larger ergonomic handle manual can openers.  If it has a bottle opener or some other gizmo bonus!  

I recently watched a clip on my Facebook feed and it was all about how we have been using the manual can openers WRONG all along.  Rather than running it along the side, you should run the cutter along the top. 

Okay, I tried that. Took me a minute to orient the thing properly and then crank, crank, crank.  The lid came off and left a shred of paper label on the body of the can and a razor sharp edge of the can.  Hmm, I sez to myself.  This does not seem right.  I can cut the bejeebers out of myself if I am not careful.  

Additionally, once the can was emptied and rinsed.  I felt compelled to put the can on the floor and smash in the sides to sort of bring the sharp edges to a safer disposal condition.  If my husband dived into the garbage as he often does on Tuesday pick up morning, he would cut himself and bleed out.  That is what he does, injure himself.  We should own stock in Band-Aids.

Using the usual can opener position, rather than put the lid inside the emptied can and smash it, I put the lids in a large empty coffee can and this gets properly disposed of when full.  Don't ask me why, that is just the Alden art of discarding. Note: Some people don't wash out they nasty cans.  Safety first America!!

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