Saturday, August 9, 2008

29th Olympiad

Holey Moley, They flew this guy around the stadium to light the torch which until the last 30 minutes of the opening ceremony had not even been in sight. Phew!

I agree with the television commentators, this was absolutely spectacular! Fireworks beautifully done. Dramatic scenes depicting 5000 years of Chinese History. I think my favorite part of the floor show was all of the boxes that rippled up and down,made splashes and were all done by PEOPLE inside the boxes, perfect coordination.

The only boring bits was waiting for all the athletes to march in. The Americans were dressed in very dark blue or black sport jackets, white beret, white shirts and shorts designed by Ralph Lauren. Hmmm.

On the other hand, the costumes worn by the 15,000 actors participating in the show were beautiful things.

I shall watch what little coverage we have here courtesy of the network. Wonder who the Eddie Eagle will be this time?


Richard's Rants and Raves said...

Just a little tidbit about the USA uniforms--they were MADE IN JAPAN!!!Now wasn't that nice of the US to provide work for all those nice people?


Richard's Rants and Raves said...

Scratch that, meant to say Made in China.

Sorry Japan!!

yoo hoo said...

I'd actually have to turn on the TV to watch the Olympics. I think you can also stream many events on line.

Gale said...

I am going to wait for the movie to come out.