Saturday, February 23, 2008

Upon further thought

Regarding the business of filming "Dies The Fire": Lets change the name. I suggest "The Change". Anyone else?

Also we need to think about purchasing book rights, hiring all the kinds of people who can actually get it done for a price that would not bankrupt a small country.

I think Dream Works or one of those kinds of studio's could do a great deal of the backdrop work on computer; the jet crash in downtown Eugene, lots of other things not easily found or staged in real life. I am thinking of Dun McKenzie nd aall those impressively carved logs showing various personalities of the craft.

Need to think about the secondary market as well, action figures, action clothes and "The Change" armory. Bear Killer bows, McKenzie kilts, all those cross bows, and gorgeous horses both large and small.

and MUSIC! I wonder if John Williams would consider composing theme music for the various battles, with a Celtic flavor, a nod to Country, big drums, bagpipes, fiddles etc.

Put your thinking caps on people! We'll have a meeting next week at the Chinese place, I'll get us a room.


yoo hoo said...

not even closedly related to the subject at hand. My friend Sam's mom's name is June and I call her Junie-looloo....don't know why. I think we should just have our own production company called the Chinese place. uhhh?

Gale said...

I would just show up to eat chinese. Perhaps I should read the book?
Or just show up to go tour the eroding beaches to see the stuff that is popping up out the sand?

Retro Blog said...

C: Yep production company name is "The Chinese Place".
G: I thought you had read the book, but not necessary, I think you should be the CFO for the outfit. I'm going to try to e-mail S.M. Stirling to get his input. (smiles)

Gale said...

Is the Chinese Place politically correct? I think we should invite First Nations, she seems to be a major font of information. Plus she makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

sURE, the more the merrier. I visited the official fan site for S.M.Stirling and he has written sequeles (thats with an S) set in The Dies The Fire universe. Hmmm, I must go investigate. Couldn't find an email address, he'sprobably chained to his PC writing like crazy. He has many many projects on tap. Phew! Royce

Gale said...

I bought the books and will be reading them while on the famous vacation.

Anonymous said...

Only a book reading Berglund would drag books along on a vacation. Did you buy number four? If so lemme borry it 'kay? Royce