Sunday, February 3, 2008

Got my bill for my surgical procedure

Right smack dab at 5600 dollars, that's half a crummy used car in today's dollars. The bill has been submitted to insurance which will pick up 80% if I am lucky. That leaves over 1100 bucks to cough up. And I have still to receive the bill for the pathology. Might get a slightly better break. At least we have made the deductible for the year already. Isn't that fun? I'm hoping the tax refund will cover most of this. I had to stop in the midst of that because I have to track down my 1098 on the house. I have to call the bank and ask if they mailed it and/or can I have another? O bother.


Anonymous said...

I will bet that your estimated amount to pay ends up being a third of that. If $5600 is the billed amount and the provider is contracted, the allowed amount might be $2000 or less. Your portion will probably be around $400. Keep me posted....


Richard's Rants and Raves said...

Sure hope Ellen is right about the bill. We are just glad all is okay, given the way family members are having problems. (Carl comes to mind.)

As for the 1098, the bank might tell you that you will have to wait to request a copy as they don't have to have them even mailed until the 31st of Jan. Those of us that deal with tax issues on a regular basis generally advise our clients to have patience and wait until the middle of Feb. to request the replacement, just in case the mail is running behind. The banks have told us that is the norm.


Anonymous said...

Yep I never make the mistake of paying prematurely.I am content to wait in both cases. Thanks for heads up,kids!

Gale said...

I decided that I am done with medical tests and procedures....really. What are they going to do kick me out of the club? DONE!!!!

Jennifer said...

Thank goodness for insurance!

Anonymous said...

Got an EOB looks like my portion will be 1800 bucks. I am waiting for the hospital bill. Good thing for tax refund all righty.