Saturday, December 15, 2007

This is a picture of our fireplace decorations. Yes there is a long unused fireplace hiding beneath all of that. I wouldn't put it past the cats to attempt a mighty leap in order to investigate all the fascinating new stuff up there but you never know; a few new angels, a bottle of wine. Hey, that sounds like a title for a Country Western song! Yeeeeehaw!

Secondly, after donating a set of older bed clothes to our deserving family at work, I decided to encourage the economy by purchasing some new ones. These are courtesy of Freddy's on sale naturally and green tones go with the room.

This is a big old glass finger nail file ordered on line and it was so huge that I initially thought it would be fairly worthless.

In the normal course of events my nails have a tendency to flare out and start to warp to the right or left. Use of this glass file has all but eliminated that tendency, probably because I can file at a single angle in one or two uniform swoops. Blow off dust, light lotion to cuticles and I'm ready to type all day. I also have a theory that the constant pounding at the keyboard may actually encourage nail growth but that is not based on any research for which the government paid.


Gale said...

You know there is a lot of money out there under the disguise of government grants just waiting to be assigned to a study of nail filing/pounding of keyboards. Lots of $$$$.

Jennifer said...

cute looking place