Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Jellical cat

Our cat, Charlie is about five years old now.  He is very friendly. If he could surgically attach himself to my lap, he would do so.  

He does not like human food of any kind, he cannot be tempted to stake out your steak, make a strike and streak off in triumph.  Nope.  He gets pretty high end kitty food. shredded paper kitty litter. Husband takes meticulous care of that duty and monitors the situation three or four times per day. 

Charlie is unbelievably friendly, I have to warn anyone who comes in the house that they will leave with a generous coat of black fur and a kitty leg stropping.

One highly annoying thing with him is that he has cat allergies to something  He sneezes prodigiously and produces an amazing amount of explosive projectile sticky yeuuuuckkkk!!!

The blankets that cover various surfaces as well as people are routinely washed. We discovered that a simple wash in cold water did not do an adequate job.  Hard dried stuff that stuck to the blankies was still there only harder and very difficult to hand pick off the surface.  I suggested we try washing them on hot next time to see if that would work.  Success!  

Charlie gets silly about 8 pm each evening.  He will fly about the rooms frantically meowing for something.  He jumps up on top of the bookcase backing my roll top desk.  

Occasionally I will hear a crooning howl, like a wolf.  He gets extra points for knocking off books.

A couple of winters ago, it had snowed here at 80 odd feet above sea level.  I went to open the back door to see how deep it was.  I saw a good three inches. Charlie zoomed out before I could stop him.  I laughed nastily and said, "Oh, ho, little cat, you are not going to like that!" 

Indeed he stopped in midstride.  If he could have screamed he would have done so.  He carefully high stepped and paw shook back into the house.  Spent the morning indignantly grooming his feet.  

During one of the blankie sweeps husband noted that the TV screen was extraordinarily nasty. (I had been ignoring it to be truthful)  Of course once a thing has been pointed out, it becomes impossible to unsee.  Ugh.  

I dragged out the full arsenal at hand.  Formula 409 not worky.  Gently chipping with fingernail not worky.  Razor blade not worky.  Bleach not worky.  My best dirty look not worky. I

n desperation, I ran the two cup glass measuring cup full of very hot water.  Applied fully soaked wash rag.  It's a miracle.  Instantly melted (guh shudder) and wiped right off.  So cat splatter patrol just got a lot better.

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