Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I dreamed a dream


To dream that you are running in a marathon represents life's journey and how you are performing or feeling. It is symbolic of your endurance and willpower. Consider how you feel about the marathon and how you are approaching it.

Last night, I dreamt that I was watching a marathon and it was a doozy.  But first, how I view life as a marathon.   Years ago, I set a goal of living to the age of 146.  At the rate I am going, I am about halfway through the marathon.  However, with the onset of a few age complications, I may well finish up coasting to the finish line in some sort of preservation coma or device.  I have enough will power to see myself to the end.  I would like to outlive the current presidential mistake long enough to see that history sets that administrative effort aside to a very dusty unvisited presidential library located in FLorida, probably.

Now back to my marathon dream.  In my dream, two Kenyans are booking along at a pace much faster than the usual Olympic lope.  As they flashed by on the road, a barrage of hundreds of arrow flash across the path thudding into targets sounding like a Gatling gun.

I was also driving along in pursuit down a very steep mountain road, at one time looking down a turn off straight down from one curve to the next curve below, the angle was about 60% and looked nearly impossible.

At one point, I was standing on a stretch of newly constructed highway, a couple of my friends had wandered over to peer over the edge.  We were very high up in the air.  I was talking to the chief engineer about it and wondered how we would get down to the ground.  He told me not to worry about and pushed a large red down button and the road descended.  This clearly represents my view on problem solving and I seem to have developed a tendency at this age to rely upon the kindness of strangers.

I began to wonder if indeed, we would not see an evolution of the marathon to include major prizes of up to one million dollars per mile.  Currently, a lot of runners make money running in international races.  Why not inject a little Hollywood meets Paracour?

I suggest hazards for each mile.  How about mile 1 Javelin throw, mile 2 shot put, mile 3 target practice, mile 4, high jump.  Throw in one mile of swimming and biking. A little triathalon or Iron Man.  

Of course there would be sponsors for each runner and another division could be team extreme marathon; 26 runners.  Team America, Get ready, get set, go!!

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