Monday, December 30, 2019

Letter to the State Senator

DATE: 10-19-2019

TO: Senator Ron Wyden
       310 W 6th St #118, Medford, OR 97501

Dear Senator Wyden;

On nights that I am having a bit of insomnia, I have a lot of time to think.  I had an idea which may be completely original. 

I wish to talk about taxation of ammunition as well as the components.  I will speak about limitation of the campaign season and Puerto Rico.

1.  CIVIL AMMUNITION TAX: I propose an ammunition tax beginning with one dollar per cartridge going all the way up to five dollars a piece for 50 caliber bullets.  This in no way impacts the Second Amendment.  This law will apply to civilians, the military and law enforcement are exempt.
    Each component of the bullet is taxed as well; fifty cents each cartridge, one dollar per lead bullet, one dollar for powder.
    I would encourage annual tax on ammunition creating devices; perhaps 50 dollars.
    All taxes for the Civil Ammunition tax is deductible.
    Potential results:  There will be more theft.  I propose the government sponsor free storage devices and gun safes.
    I predict that gang activity will be reduced to drive by shooting with sling shots and ball bearings.  Therefore, I suggest a registry for ballbearing purchase.
    I estimate approximately 300 billion dollars in revenue.

2. Limit Campaign season.  I propose that campaigning be limited to six weeks prior to the vote for any and all offices.  I think only people who stand to lose money will be against it.  Fund raising can certainly continue.

3.  Puerto Rico.  During the coverage of the hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico, I noted a very brief piece showing a drilling platform being anchored in the harbor.  My question is this; how well developed is the oil field?  Does Puerto Rico receive money for what ever fees would be charged?  Is there corruption? 

Lastly, while I did not vote for President Trump, I wish him well God Bless and protect the president.  Because I would be very angry if one of the magnificent Secret Service took an untaxed  bullet.


Ms. Royce I. Alden
925 North Elliot Street
Coquille, OR 97423-1536

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