Friday, September 12, 2008

Woke from a very odd working dream

I woke this morning from a dream in which I was sitting in a fairly large lawyers' office. There were several lawyers and a judge going over material for a case. The case involved some sort of alcohol related injury. They had called in me and another person to help them with the coding. I was looking through a very fat book sized code book that had been all neatly tabbed with injury diagnoses. Under each heading were all the alcohol related codes. In the non dream world, no such book exists. I remember commenting so to the other person who came with me. The other person was the Marketing Director for the hospital, who as far as I know does only marketing social type stuff. Weird. At one point we were discussing a tricky point of coding and I suggested that we look at the coding guidelines to give strength to our argument about what ever the heck we were arguing about. The coding guidelines book turned out to be in a huge yellow book and I commented that the guidelines usually consisted of about 25 pages located in the front of the ICD9-CM code book. I then looked around and there was a very large shelf of code books all from the same vendor being used by this law office as reference books. At this point I think I woke up from pure boredom.

I know from consulting the dream site previously that dreaming about work in general means frustration or some darn thing. Jeez, frustrated and bored. I think I will go read a more intersting book, wash three loads, meet my coding buddy for lunch and do some bidness. There I think I captured all the elements of my dream. Erk.

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