Sunday, April 6, 2008

Journalism of a sort

Price of gas has jumped 3 cents. I managed to get less than half a tank full for around 18 bucks. Ah no more jumping in the car just 'cause I'm feeling restless and wanna DRIVE. So inward journeys these days.

I went ahead and ordered "Sunrise Lands" M.S. Stirling. Book four of the change.
It is 2022 and a stranger comes from back east to Dun Juniper. I liked the first couple of chapters fairly well. However I did sneak a peek at the last page. The bad guys seem to be in charge and are chanting,"Cut! Cut! Cut!" So I shall put the book aside until the NEXT damn book comes out. Write faster, please. Oh and of course I will loan them as a set.

1 comment:

Gale said...

Maybe you can go for a walk. Maybe just to the end of the block and back. As I remember it is a short block. Maybe you could get a pink scooter with an ooga horn. Maybe