Saturday, May 29, 2021


WEIRDEST DREAM YET: I was in London. I was in a bed being interviewed by two men. I explained to them that I was an imerssive diagnostician. My medical degree was from Harvard Medical in Boston. I explained that I usually went into a trance while diagnosing. I treat the whole family. I am also a carpenter, electrician, painter as well as a designer. The ceiling was suspended from criss crossing steel I-beams. There was a gap of about six inches that went all the way around the ceiling letting in light and circulation. Then a young woman took me to see a young boy. He was about seven years old, blond crewcut and looked very sad. I asked him what happened and he said. “wull...” He sounded Scottish. I asked him if he wanted a hug. He said yes and we hugged. Physician: meansyou have some problem that you need patching up. Consoling indicates that you need to be more sympathetic to others. True dad. I read a book once by Linda Goodman about sun signs. Mine is Virgo and she wrote that virgos would throw a rope to a drowing person but might not hang onto the end of the rope. Yup.

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