Saturday, May 22, 2021


PRESIDENT DREAM: I dreamed that I attended a very large rally with President Obama and Michelle Obama. On the way there traffic was held up by a deer and her fawn who were trying to cross the street to a park. The deer was wearing a large tracking collar in the color of yellow. They safely got to the park and we resumed the drive. We were seated in the front. Michelle asked me if I had my tokens. I could visualize them in two large boxes. When I opened my hands I was holding a lot of gray painted fake finger nails. The seats in back of us were filling up with tired Inupiat oil field workers from Dead Horse. They were wearing parkas. There was a balcony in front of us labeled Friends of Michelle. She went up to speak to the people who were seated. I sat down and Mr. Obama put his hand on my knee. Uh oh … what does this mean? PRESIDENT: Means authority, power and control. GREY:; Means fear, depression or self individualism. Yep, thats me. YELLOW: If it is a pleasant dream means intellect, energy, agility (not so much these days), happiness, harmony and wisdom.

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