Sunday, October 13, 2019

I had an interesting thought


I was lying in bed last night listening to an audible book on my Kindle.  Oh, I shouldn't be stimulating my brain late at night? I won't get enough sleep?  Get real, junior. . I retired with a capital RE.  So read, I shall.  

I have been one of those voracious readers since I was kid.  It all kicked in about Fifth Grade.  The teacher required  book reports which I embraced with a passion.  Then in sixth grade I got my first pair of glasses and my then goal became to devour the school library.  

I have never understood people who do not read.  I remember being shocked nearly senseless about 8th grade, one of the boy classmates was bragging about submitting a book report on Carl Yastrzemski and saying that he totally made it up.  It would be interesting to know all these year later if the teacher busted him for it.

I have embraced the tech as my glass prescription no longer allows me to focus on REGUALAR SIZED PRINT, Dang it all.  So my collection of over 3000 books are going to waste.  Unless my vision shrinks to the point to where I can actually read WITHOUT my glasses!?!?! C'mon eyeballs!!

So I paused to wonder about something, "Self I sez, I wonder if there is such a thing as a radio station that broadcast books? :

Oh Goooogle !!

I was surprised that I did not find more: BBC4 had a programme (Brit spelling.) There is KGNU in Boulder, Colorado that has a Radio Book Club.  They just finished "Orange Is The New Black".  I haven't tuned in yet but I think it would be like a broadcast book club meeting and I don't particularly want to hear opionated folk air their likes and dislikes about what ever they are reading. 

I just know that some one will write a Pulitzer Prize winning Broadway play about this, could be comedy, could be tragedy.  Hey, Gang! Let's put on our OWN show!  Someone can sing, someone can dance!  Someone can read!

I want someone to invent Radio Free Library.  PBS must want to do something educational, maybe read Game of Thrones.  No messing around with CGI dragons.  This would be a wonderful service for all the busy people who must relax at bedtime to get some really good ZZZZ's.  All those insomniacs too debilitated to hold up a big hefty book without whacking themselves in the face will gag themselves to get this service. Think of all the lives they will save.

I want someone to read me a story.  If I ask Alexa, she finds a SHORT story.  Dammit!

PS:  I was thinking that Jeff Bezos does NOT have enough money, perhaps he could start an Amazon Radio service.  Just tune in the give a listen to some books.   Make it a service where you can select the book you want read (not the robot voice either) and the time and you can pause and go back to it. Yeah, Jeff get yer people on that. ya?

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