Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Heard it through the grapevine this morning, that they found out who had broken into their car. It was a kid but the kids' girlfriend dropped her cell phone. It took a little longer than usual because the local cops were able to bust a meth ring with information provided on the cell phone. Very cool. A few other car break in's have been solved with this one fell swoop.

Also on the nearly department next door neighbors: About 3 o'clock this morning I woke up to Bam Bam bam bam bam bam "You #$(% @)$$!" shouted repeatedly several times, more BAM bam bam bam. I got up and Tim was awake and the cops were outside. Eventually they handcuffed the young man and took him away. A co-worker tells me that this little family had been served eviction papers by the Sheriff, so at least ONE of them has moved out last night. I hope the rental agency picks better tenants next time, the building is now completely empty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoops spoke too soon. Saw young lady going up and down stairs and the young man was outside doing something at least I did not hear them shouting. Eviction notice was have to give time limit or something because I don't see anyone moving boxes of stuff OUT.