Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sweet green tomato pickles --- DONE!

PART TRES of the green tomato pickle project was accomplished this afternoon between 3 and 5 pm. I divided my "vat" of pickles into two large pots and brought the contents slowly up to a boil, which I then boiled for 35 minutes.

In the meantime I assembled my sterilized glass jars and made ready to can the stuff once it had completed cooking. The smell of vinegar permeates the house, it will singe your nose hairs if inhaled, wear a mask.

Results: 6 quarts of green tomato pickles to join the basement stores for the winter. One dainty little Martha Stewart gifty size to give to Mendy for giving me the 'maters. Hope she likes them. I had three quarts of vinegar mixture left over, I decided to jar that up as well. I might want to pickle something delicate such as asparagus spears or make pickled eggs without the beets. I better go Google some recipes for left over vinegar. Hmmm. Somebody stop me, I am regressing to my 60's earth mother persona. Yeach!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's such a cool thing to make pickles. Mitch LOVES them, most likely next year for us, we had no tomatoes this year.