Friday, October 27, 2017

Long Delayed Book Report

I just completed re-reading all three books about Spot an Smudge by Robert Udulutch.   The second book is Glasgow Grey and the third book is Let Slip The Pups of War.  I found them purely by happy accident. 

I am not particularly enamored of Dog stories, well except I loved Beautiful Joe in the fifth grade.  I liked Lassie stories books and television until one episode they had Lassie herding baby chicks for some god awful reason and whining of course  Nope, no more Lassie re-runs, Lassie had jumped the shark.  T

he first book opens somewhere in the more rural bits of South Boston area.  The family involved are the Hogans and the Walkers.  Ben Hogan is 11 an gets bullied a lot.  His older sister, Kelcy is not afraid to wade in the fight with fists fly given the situation. Their parents Dan and Aila are good loving parents. 

They had recently decided to move out of Boston proper to live with Mimi the Scottish grandmother.  You will learn LOTS of Scottish slang. At any rate Kelcy was working part time at the local Veterinarian. 

There was an international plot afoot wherein a very ancient Chinese power family that runs Hong Kong, Kowloon and southern china obtained a whole bunch of barrels of chemicals.   These chemicals were mixed into dog food.  Orphaned pups were fed the dog food and the clan was experimenting with using dog meat in the local Chinese restaurant special special and testing the populace for any signs of acceleration in intelligence etc. 

Some rather incompetent locals were raising the dogs and some of the chemicals were spilled.  One pregnant mixed breed dog got away and hid under the Hogan/Walkers hen house and gave birth to two black pups before she died.  Ben found the pups and the race was on to save these two tiny puppies.

Now another component of this story was that the chemicals were owned or paid for by a ruthless Russian oligarch who trains assassins and he wants the chemicals to accelerate soldiers.  The FBI is trying to determine what every one elses move is next and the Hogans are in the middle of this mess.  This is just the first book.  Do go get it.  It is available on Kindle.  I LOVED it.

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