Friday, October 20, 2017

Bravest New World of Film Making etc.

Day dreaming is such fun.  I like to do more or less organized day dreaming pending winning a very large lottery or someone unknown to me bestows a larger monetary tax free gift to me of oh say 500 million.  I have a few projects in mind. 

I would very much like to purchase movie rights to the first three books by S.M. Stirling regarding his novels of The Change; Dies the Fire, The Protectors War and a Meeting in Corvallis.  Also, I would like to purchase the rights to Mr. Stirlings Nantucket novels, Island in the Sea of Time and the two following. 

Also on my purchase list are at least the first three books of Pern by Ann McCaffrey. 

If Lynn Kurland could be interested I would love to make movies about her first book A Dance Through Time.  Having gainfully employed several lawyers in obtaining these rights, I would seek an excellent CGI vendor. 

As far as casting is concerned I would only be interested in people who had actually read the books of whom I would ask questions such as "Where is Ruatha?" and "Who is Mike Havel?" and "Who is Elizabeth Smith?".  I would also entertain producing in Bollywood versus Hollywood versus China. There is talent everywhere.  I would also be very interested in exploring the vast area of secondary markets. 

As for casting the main characters, I have a very firm idea of the ideal actress for Captain Alston.  She should be a younger Grace Jones. Mike Havel is clearly described in the book, he is 28 of Finnish/Anishinabe descent, an ex Marine, a pilot, he is 5 foot 10 inches and tough as nails. Mike should be a 28 year old (I shudder to say this) Tom Cruise.

I would cheerfully bribe some big names to command these projects.  Big Names.  Preferably ones who come to me with serious inquiry, Maybe George Lucas would like the Pern projects, or we could draw names out of a hat. Get busy people.  There is work for many thousands of people for a decade or two.  Lets get busy on the money then. 

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