Friday, January 22, 2010

Round two and three....NOTHING PURCHASED YET.

The "urn" above is actually a white ceramic grape vine covered canister. Found it at the local Antique Mall in Coos Bay for 20 bucks. Excellent seal on the IS a canister after all. Whattya think?

These are real urns found at the Oregon Connection Myrtle Wood factory. I believe I mentioned this place as the first choice for a place to look. They do not have any round or vase like urns, all box shaped or hexagonal shaped. The big hexagonal shaped one was $190.00, the smaller ones ranged down to 75 dollars and were too small. I looked them over very carefully, I could NOT get them open. So I would imagine one would have to pay someone to open, deposit and reseal. Hmmmmm. Well, they are made of Myrtle wood and are very pretty.

Oh yeah, I went to the Pony Village Mall to look in the Hallmark store to see if they carried the ruby red glass ginger jar with top? Nope they not only did not carry it, they went out of bidness. Dayang.

How does everyone feel about a McCoy cookie jar?


Gale said...

I like the top one. The one I found was thin, all could think was it getting a crack and mom dribbling out of the side.

Anonymous said...

What are the preferred dimensions for this eternal unit? EJ

Anonymous said...

As long as it isn't a clown...

Anonymous said...

The dimensions should be less than one foot tall including lid. I'm pretty sure Dad's was under 12 inches. The niche itself is about one foot square as I remember. Probably should contact the Vets and ask for exact dimensions. Wouldn't look good to try to hammer in something that didn't fit. Hey we are a few ounces over here, now what?

Richard's Rants and Raves said...

I like #1 if you get tired of looking at it you can color the fruit.The size is OK cause the box is big enough,it all depends on who wants to ride shotgun.Thats an arguement the folks will have to settle themselves.If that don't work I have an empty Folgers can with lid and some duck tape.

Anonymous said...

Considering the amount of coffee that has been brewed over the years............