Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cooking again....sort of...not quite yet....

This is a picture of sourdough starter. While The Colorado contact is preparing the original starter for delivery, I dug out Mom's recipe from the purple notebook cookbook that she sent out for Christmas about ten years ago.

Sour Dough Starter

1 package active dry yeast (Not rapid rise). Extended rumble through shelf where most of my spices and condiments are kept. Ahah! I do have some. I ignored the use by date.
2 cups lukewarm water. I looked all over the store for Lukewarm water, they didn't have any so I ran some room temperature water from the filtered tap. (Very old joke will explain if you so wish).
2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 cup milk.

I gathered all of my ingredients and stirred them together. I re-read the recipe and groaned. I was only supposed to mix the yeast, lukewarm water and FLOUR together and let sit at room temperature for 48 hours THEN add milk, sugar and more water.I can hear Mom shrieking in my ear,"Follow the directions!".

....hmmm....I will let this set for 24 hours on the stove top and check for lovely yeasty smelling bubbles. If it flopped I will start over.

However rest of recipe goes like this:

Dissolve yeast in water, add flour, beat until smooth, let stand over night at room temperature.

THEN cover loosely, refrigerate for FIVE FREAKING days,stirring each day.

ON THE FIFTH DAY, ADD sugar,water and milk. Refrigerate,stirring daily FOR ANOTHER FIVE FREAKING DAYS before using.

If the Frankensourdough monster lives I will attempt the SureFire Sourdough Hot Cakes recipe. Lordy.


Anonymous said...

Actually I should have named it Frankenstarter. It was bubbling away as we left at 1 pm on the way to B&B in Myrtle Point. Mmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Check out this link, it's been in my
'favorites' file for a while because I created my own starter a few years back. Good luck....mine is marginal at best.