Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Current price of gas and rhodies at work

I am disappointed that the courts have reduced the punitive portion of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Like Exxon hasn't made a profit since 1989? I would rather see the courts be a little more creative, such as demand oil freighters be double hulled and one of those motor ignition switches that won't turn on if the alcohol level is above 0.80. Just a little sumpin' sumpin' to think about.

This is the rhodie growing just outside my office window, it is 40 years old and lets in a teeny eeny bit of light, looking out from my desk it is a little like living inside Chip and Dale's house.

1 comment:

yoo hoo said...

If Exxon had ANY morals they would offer the state of Alaska DOUBLE the payout for all the bullshit and hardship this has caused,