Saturday, October 2, 2021


I woke from what I think could be a plot twist for a television show. In a very large hospital, the patients were dying at a statisically higher rate tha average. One of the hospital lab technicians was suspicious. She held back a urine sample from one the dead patients. She was thinking about how she would get this sample from hospital A to Forensic Lab B. She did not want to die of suddden death by killer and/or cop. There was probably corruption involved somewhere along the line of investigation and she could not trust anyone. The hospital had a pneumatic tube system for delivering small items. Also within the system were small intelligant robots. She felt she could put the urine sample inside the robot and the robot would navigate the sewer system to the forensic laboratory. She put the sample inside the robot and put on a radioactive danger label on the bot so that when it popped up in a toilet at the lab so that it would not be immediately discarded. She did wonder if the hospital sewer system had a trap to stop larger objects from floating into the main. So she had lunch with an acquintance who was knowledgable about the hospital sewer system. No, the system did not have a trap. So she flushed the robot down in the puplic bathroom. I wonder if I need an agent? Writers for Hollywood are admittedly desperate for original ideas, even though it is from a silly dream. URINE: To dream of urine is about feelings you have rejected or maybe you have a “pissy” attitude. Yeah, the last one for sure. AND lastly, I dreamed of a mother and daughter who had uncomable hair syndrome. The mom's hair was white, long and curved in Marcel waves. The daughter had light blue hair the grew out like a sweater. Ooh, nice and warm.

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