Tuesday, September 28, 2021

temple, coins, purple and feet

COURT CASES, COINS AND A TEMPLE (DREAMS) My first dream was about a court case; Chat Rooms V Owners. Foul language was being used excessively in a chat room. The second case regarded a Science Chat Room: Science V Owners. The third case was about reparation of Native Land. Navaho V BLM. The argument was that a very thin strip of land at the rim of the Grand Canyon needed to preseved at Tribal land because it was sacred. The court ruled in favor of the tribe who then painted a area of about 3 to 24 inches wide by 4 to 6 feet long. This satisfied all parties. COURT CASES: Indicates that you feel you are being judged. GARMENTS, COINS AND FOUR POSTER BED: I dreamed that I was working in a house of antique clothing. The patriarch's night gown was huge and made of a very luxurious purple velvet. The gown was extremely heavy. There was also a room where boxes of coines were neatly stacked. There was also a partially assembled four poster bed frame. PURPLE GARMENT: devotion, healing ability and kindness. COINS: Missed opportunity, dominance and energy. BED: intimate self and sexuality. INDIAN RELIGION: I was visiting a very large building that consisted of a Temple, a home and several businesses. At the front of each home, business as well as the Temple was a shallow basin inset into the floor, into which flowed a stream of water with which to wash ones feet. There was also a towel to dry. All of the outside walkways were covered as it rained almost constantly. I seemed to do everything wrong but the folks very kindly showed me how to things correctly. TEMPLE: Inspiration, spiritual thinking, meditation, and perhaps you need to pamper yourself. FEET: means foundation, dependability, sense of understanding and independence.

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