Sunday, September 19, 2021


AMERICA'S GOT TALENT: I have been imagining being on AGT as a story teller. My interview video would consist of talking about the stories I have witnessed in my family, in Barrow, Alaska and with Grandma LaVann. At the audition I would introduce myself and tell the judges that they could have their choice of stories between the Mystery of Aunt Mary or Grandma LaVann and the priest. If I got four yeses my next piece would be for the audience to choose. I would list the story not chosen by the judges and Ricky the Redheaded Hitchhiker. The remainder of the stories would be The Time Dad Got Away with AWOL. Porcupine Liver. Playing Pranks. On Tour with the Gabor Sisters Losing My Virginity. Visiting the Laundry The Case of The Canary Strangler Murderer The Ninja Warrior Transgender Kidnapper Patrick Pendleton's Recipe for Hamburger Dildo. I will also make up a purely fictitious story and challenge the audience to guess which story is false. So many possibilities. Suggestions anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could write a book!