Sunday, August 29, 2021

Getting caught up with dreams

GETTING CAUGHT UP ON DREAMS: MUSEUM: A contest was being held in a museum where two objects must be found; one must be dusty and the an object of your choice. Museum means nontraditional path to success will make you stand out. TWO represent balance, diversity, partnerhip, ying and yang. Xxxxxx I was sent to infiltrate a group of Native Americans. I met a man named David who looked like the Yuupp guy on Storage Wars. I met a group of young ladie and I got to hold the baby. After a period of time that they were not a threat and decided not to add them to my report. NATIVE AMERICAN means instinctual uninhibited aspect. Zzzzzzz I was in the military for part of the training. The group I was with was using a washing machine. We marched into a large auditorium we were the last batch of 20 people. We were given variou props, mine was a squeeze box. Since I do not play that instrument, I decided to use it to puncture a joke, like a rim shot. I sat in a special chair that indicated I was last to be cast. I was thinking that I would tell stories from Barrow. I was marching on the stage when my alarm went off. MILITARY: rigid authority, emotional suppression.: STAND UP COMIC: Need to be more carefree. XXXXX I was watching some sort of equestrian event in Japan. The costumes were very important. The rider and horse with the most point was white. While this color must be natural they are usually albino. The contest consisted of ground work inside as well as out doors. HORSE; equals strength and power. JAPAN: Realization and enlightment. WHITE: Purity, perfection and peace. ZZZZZ I dreamt that a young man, very snappily dressed was looking the window, he kept saying, “No, no, no”. He was looking ata the numerous houses. The porch was coated in ice and looked like it would collapse. NO standing up for what you believe in. ICE Lack of fow and thought. XXXXX I dreamed about how money was invented. The Royals were having money trouble. They were using round measures of meat as a standard measure. Most things were sold by various sizes of meat. Someone decided to divide the meat into one pound size. I saw a meeting where miniature dresse were designed. I saw two woman planting a very steep garden. I told of my dream and they told me the solution. MONEY: Success and prosperity within your reach. ONE: Individuality, TWO: Balance, yin and yang. ZZZZZ I was on a rescue mission. I was moving some stuff for some who had hired me for the move. I mom to come and get me but she did not want to come get me So I was looking for a mile marker to determine my location. I crossed the highway and walked to a place where I could call a taxi to get the number for Yellow Cab. YELLOW: intellect, happiness. MOVING: Desire for change. MOM: Nurturing aspect in yourself. XXXXX I was living one a space station that had huge windows. I was doing training on how to seal leaks. This involved unrolling large sheets of plastic and then carefully patting it into place.. He did not like using the leak protocol and ignored the alarm. Someone pointed out the increase of green growng which meant oxygen enriched areas was actually mold which was a good thing on oxygen starved area. VACUUM: emptiness GREEN: Positive change, good health, serenity. REPAIRING LEAK: loss of disappointment. ZZZZZ

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