Sunday, April 14, 2019


About once a year I will see the show "I Want That".  This one was all about electonics gear and some of it was focused on the elderly and falls.

The first one was a young lady demonstrating a fall app on her cell phone.  Of course there were cameras mounted about the house.  And it looked like an infrared picture on the phone.  At any rate the young lady demonstrated by lying down on the floro and her body showed up on the  phone app and calls the person to be notified.

Then there was just about the silliest thing I have ever seen.  There was a nice senior citizen wearing what looked like a belt device with a short skirt hanging down.  When the senior falls a motion detector or an accellerometor inflates the skit from a foot long gas cannister.  They showed the actual demonstration in cartoon form. Yeah.  I'm thinking I would like to see the old lady bounce first.

I thought that I should research some of this stuff. l Googled Senior Fall Aids.  Found one; it is shoes made in Israel. The shoes have mini tracks mounted in the back half of the shoe.  There was a gentleman wearing a pair of these shoes. If a person, slips the tracks are supposed to roll in the opposite direction of the slip to compensate the balance. It is first generation and there is a large battery pack worn on the calf.  (Can I get a Boy Scout here?)

You, know with all the money that various entities are spending on Self Drive....Hey Amazon!  Whyn'tcha sell a Senior Guide Hat.  It could tell the wearer to go left, right, stop, start, locate glasses.  Yeah it could come with the Alexa app.  "Hey Alexa, where is my house?"  "Hey Alexa, what was my name again?"  This has distinct possibilities.

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