Saturday, April 6, 2019

Saturday April 6 pick your year

Today I shall meander and talk about Humpty Dumpty, the Battle of Colechester, classical education, The Wall and Andy Rooney.

I had been trying to think of something witty about Trussia, the Wall and Humpty Dumpty.

I got side tracked when I decided to do a little research (Google) and looked up Humpty Dumpty. Well,  he was an egg shaped character introduced by Lewis Carrol about 1710 in the  book "Alice in Wonderland".

Further search on Wikipedia revealed that Humpty Dumpty was the name of a large cannon used in the Battle of Colchester during the English Civil War about 1650 or so. The gun is famous because it actually fell off of the wall where it was located on Colechester castle and killed a lot people. Thus All the Kings horses and all the Kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

The things you learn when you have not had a classical education. Which naturally enough led me to several videos explaining things like classical education begins in childhood and the child starts with logic, something else and then rhetoric.  WHAT!?  

Well I am clearly doomed.  I was raised in a small farming community, in a large nuclear family with free access to the public and school libraries and when I went to public school the only "fad" going through the ranks was cursive writing and phonics. 

I do have a few thoughts about the wall.  I think I could get it done by combining two things.  Now the Democrats are all about infrastructure and the Republicans are all about the Wall.  

Why don't we get the construction companies disassemble all the rusty bridges and roadways and spread all of that along the Texas border.  Lots of people would be busy transporting and rebuilding infrastructure and helping build the bulwark of the border wall,

They might even be able to drive on top of the thing. If the border people charge tourists to make the drive it will pay for itself pretty quickly.

In parting,if I ever grew out my eyebrows, they would be as bushy as Andy Rooney's were.

The previous has been a circular metaphor, (curtsey)

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