Sunday, August 19, 2018

Kris, this is for you

If for some unfortunate concatenation of events I became POTUS, here is what I would attempt.
1. Do No Harm. Which strongly correlates with my personal preference of Do Nothing. Given that the majority of the government excels at this, why should I halt that process?
2. Diplomacy. All in favor of that one, especially if the diplomats wish to visit DC.
3. Taxes, unavoidable.  Will encourage upgrade of computers, security and programming.
4. The Fed, will be left strictly alone.
5. Tariffs. Repeal all.
6. Secret Service. IQ Testing. Drug testing.
7. Air Force One.  Don't like flying, use it for charity flights.
8. Park the gas hog limo.
9. Parades all volunteer, no government funds to be used.
10. Press Corp - will be limited to one question each using simple declarative sentences. No shouting.
11. Hair cuts - would give the WH barber a try.
12.  Wardrobe.  Local charities can bring outfits, will wear comfortable shoes.
13. Projects - Keep libraries from closing. Support Literary programs.
14. Charities - Children's Health research.
15. Appointments -some friends, pick the rest out of a hat.
16. Have PC's installed for all desks in Congress, encourage SKYPE for votes etc.
17. NRA chat.  Will encourage common sense with threat of making ammunition scarce/expensive/illegal.
19. Military branches full support but audit expenses. 
20. Space Program - cancel.
21. Full funding for PBS.
22. Tuition free local colleges.
23.  Health Care - Tax Big Pharma to pay for it.
24.  Infrastructure - grant green cards, train immigrants on highway and bridge repair/builds.
25.  Immigration - rewrite based on Constitution.
26.  Other stuff as it pops up.

1 comment:

yoo hoo said...

Why would you cancel the space program?