Monday, August 13, 2018

Book Report

Premonitions - The Farm
Premonitions - War

All righty then, these are the prepper genre.  Normally not a book form that I particularly enjoy.  I read the samples and decided to give it a try.

And for some reason, I cannot remember the title for spit and premonition is an important part of these books.

Premonitions - The Farm.  We begin in a small town, Riverdale, about two hundred miles west of Fort Bragg.  Our heroine, Eva, is 52 and works in the local hospital as a surgical nurse.  The hospital has been cutting back hours and letting various people go.  The over all economy is stinky and Eva, a prepper, decides to accelerate her stores just in case. She has a sense of urgency and feels that this needs to be done soon.  She is widowed and her two sons and daughter's in law live on the farm , which is 787 acres and has room for planting and some forest. They live in a very large house.  She decided to add two wings for her family early on.  

She is contacted by the town sheriff, Tom, who is also a prepper and they decided to invest heavily in all kinds of supplies.  Both of them have been having nightmares.  The next few chapters involve massive purchases at Walmart, box stores, Lowes, etc.  The go shopping with a big box truck and arouse the notice of shoppers. 

They call a meeting of friends who all agree that the world economy is tanking and pitch in with preparation.  They purchase ten conexes to store peoples possessions as well as further supplies. They rent a back hoe digger to cover the conexes with earth to create a berm.  Also wire to reinforce the fencing.  As people gather at the farm, things go to heck, a couple of countries default on their loans.  All banks are closed.  Wall street is closed.  Not much is heard from the President.  One of the women at the farm has a son who is a Ranger.  She gets a call through to him and tells him where she can be found.

They continue to build, add solar, wire cameras to watch the perimeter.  Four locals cut the back fence.  Pretty soon many businesses in town close, there are no services and infra structure is failing rapidly.  Biker gangs invade and begin killing people.

Before I forget we do have diversity in the books, one black surgeon, one black lady Ranger electrician and one guy named Jose, Mexian American perhaps. And a nice Jewish couple were added later on.  He taught Yiddish, she was the Bubba. Very cute.

The Farm buttons up and disguises the fence to stay hidden as long as possible.  The bikers burn buildings, party, get drunk, rape and kill at will.  They discover the Farm and rally to attack.  There is a gang of approximately 60 bikers who attack.  The preppers start shooting.  A troop of Rangers arrive in time to clean up.  They use the digger to dig a trench to bury all the dead bikers.

Premonitions - War.  More military people show up.  Turns out that some senators both parties held a coup, have the President and staff as prisoners.  They have made a deal with rebel military to attack and take what they want.  Various UN Soldiers are holding New York.  Eva has a nightmare about an EMP and they prepare for that by taking all electronics off line and storing motors in metal boxes. A rogue military general set off a small nuke at Fort Bragg.  AND the Chinese set off an EMP that takes out the grid.  Well!  Eventually there is more fighting, the rogue general gets his and suddenly the UN withdraws and a couple Army units are headed to persuade the Chinese to leave California. The war is over, lets rebuild, using Habitat for Humanity as a model.  Ok.

These books were solidly conservative, there wasn't too much Trumpery worship. There was one comment made that the Liberals just would not give him a break.  Hmmm.

My comment regarding further happenings in these books is that I believe POTUS would recall all military branches and seal off the place for a decade or two until we get rebuilt.  After all we are suddenly missing 200 million citizens or more due to the collapse of the infrastructure.  And the barter system will be the medium of exchange for quite some time.  The National Debt has been defaulted and there are no entitlements.  It takes a village to rescue a nation.  

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