Monday, November 27, 2017


I have been thinking about the apparent differences between the various men in the news lately and degree of their crimes.  I think we need to distinguish the varying degrees of involvement.   For instance I think the apparently innocuous crime committed by Al Franken could correctly be termed "pattycake"
Pattycake: Undocumented touching which would include "I don't remember".  Recommended punishments: Fine: Dollar amount determined by judge.  Sexual harassment classes, counseling.
Pattycake 1: He leered into a camera, touched a sleeping co-worker while she slept.  Recommended punishments:  Fine to be determined by judge.  Sexual harassment classes. Work in a Women's Shelter for 30 days. 
Pattycake 2: for instance would be a man miming a sex act behind a woman who may be bending over.  Recommended punishment: Fine to be determined by judge. Sexual harassment classes. Work in a Women's Shelter for 30 days.
Pattycake 3: is same as Pattycake 2 with his act witnessed by male co-workers. Recommended punishment: Fine to be determined by judge.  Sexual harassment classes.  Work in a Women's Shelter for 60 days.

I believe other actions are covered under various statues and do not need to be repeated here. 


Retro Blog said...

Need to designate these as misdemeanors

Retro Blog said...